Who is the believer’s best friend on this earth? The Apostle Peter answers in John 6:68 – The Word of Life or the Bible. Why is the “Word of Life” or Bible your greatest friend?
- The Bible tells us how to be raised from death into life – Ephesians 2:1-3.
- The Bible instructs us how to “Crucify King Self” – Romans 6 and 8.
- The Bible tells us how to receive eternal life and go to heaven – 1 John 5:11-13.
- The Bible tells us how not to receive eternal life – John 1:13
- The Bible tells a young man how he “can cleanse his ways” – Psalm 119:9.
- Hearing the Bible produces faith in the heart – Romans 10:17.
- The Bible enables us to worship in Spirit and in Truth – John 4:24.
- The Bible enables us to pray the Lord’s Prayer – Matthew 6:9-13.
- The Bible tells us how to overcome worry – Phil. 4:6-9.
- The Bible shows us how to overcome temptation – Matthew 4:1-10.
- The Bible instructs us on how to respond to the moral evils of our day:
- Adultery – where
- Abortion – where
- Same sex marriage – where
- Internet porn – where
- Homosexuality and lesbianism- where
- The lottery – where
- The Bible enables us to defend the faith – 1 Peter 3:15.
- The Bible tells each individual how to behave in the home – Ephesus 5:22; 61:4.
- The Bible throws light on the headlines – Matt. 24; 2 Tim. 3; Rev. 13, etc.
- The Bible enables us to spot and demolish false prophecies, such as Harold Camping’s date for the Second Coming, the Health, Wealth, but not so wise gospel – Matthew 4:24.
- The Bible points the way to Health, Happiness, and Wisdom – Book of Prov.
- Obedience to the Bible results in fullness of the Holy Spirit- Ephesians 5:18 and Col. 3:16.
- The Bible tells us how to find “success and progress” in life – Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1-3; James 1:25.
- The Bible shows us the way through our troubles – Psalm 119:92; Isaiah 41:10,13.
- The Bible makes us powerful in prayer and witnessing – James 5:13ff.
- In light of the above benefits from the Bible, how should we treat our Bible? Internalize it by doing 4 things:
- I will Know it in my head by diligent
- I will stow it in my heart by memorization and meditation,
- I will show it in my life by obeying its teachings,
- I will then sow it into my world by witnessing.
- Why would a man “mistreat” his best friend, the Bible?
- What motivates a man to treat his best friend right?
- What is the greatest single reason every believer should treat his best friend right?