A recent book bears the title, Hell Under Fire, and it reveals that the modern mind denies the existence of an eternal hell.
- What Do Americans Think About Hell? Only 33% believe in hell; 67% do not. 35% of Baptists, 54% of Presbyterians, 58% of Methodists, and 60% of Episcopalians do not believe in hell.
- Jesus’ Description of Hell: A real place of outer darkness, unquenchable fire, vivid memory, eternal in existence, indescribable torment where real people go after death (Mark 9:43-48; Matthew 25:41,46,10:28; Luke 13:28; Luke 16:19-31).
- Description of The Apostles: Peter – 2 Peter 2:4; 3:9; Paul – Romans 1:18; 2 Thess. 1:8; John – Rev. 14 :11; 20:!4; 6; Heb. 12:29; Jude 1:6.
Note: The apostles got their doctrine of hell from Jesus.
- Unscriptural Misconceptions about Hell:
- Hell won’t be bad, for I will be there with my buddies.
- After I spend a time in hell, I will be able to get out.
- Hell is a “State of Mind,” not a real place.
- I will have a chance to repent after death.
- My God would never send anyone to hell.
- War is hell (General Patton).
- Hell is the mess we make of our lives on earth (Bob Bell, Love Wins)
- I will exit hell when my sins are purged in purgatory.
- I will be annihilated and cease to exist at death.
Simply put, everyone since Adam is born walking the path to hell. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). We have failed to live up to the divine standard of perfection and we are all (in our natural state) separated from God. But Jesus paid the penalty for all our sins on the cross so we could become righteous before God (2 Cor. 5:21). “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn (send to hell) the world, but that the world through Him, might be saved.” (John 3:17). Any person who trusts Jesus for forgiveness is not condemned to hell. However, the person who does not trust in Him is judged already because God’s wrath stays on him and is not removed (John 3:17-18; John 3:35-36). So the Scripture makes it plain that the all-loving God does not send anyone to hell because He is not a Moral Monster. People walk themselves to hell by staying on the road to hell, until they die, refusing to take advantage of God’s only provision to escape – Jesus.”