- Why Is The Holy Spirit So Mistreated Today?
- Abysmal ignorance of the Bible
- Manipulation of the Holy Spirit to meet selfish and ungodly desires
Example: In 2001 some spiritual leaders, saying they were led of the Holy Spirit, began to teach that the Holy Spirit began NAR – New Apostolic Reformation and that the office of Apostles and Prophets have been restored to the church, that Texas was to share this truth with the other 49 states, and that Rick Perry would be a major leader in the NAR. To blame the Holy Spirit for such is to deny the Scripture and make the Holy Spirit a liar.
- Why Would The Devil Want to Blaspheme or Totally Discredit The Holy Spirit?
- In a sentence “Without The Holy Spirit Christianity Is Impossible.”
- Without the Holy Spirit no one would ever be introduced to Jesus as a sinner needing salvation. (John 16:7-11), nor be saved, nor know he was saved, nor have any power to witness, or overcome the flesh, no real praying, no joy – only a form of godliness without any divine power.
- Above all, without the Holy Spirit we would have no access to Jesus, the cross, or the resurrection.
- What Is The Answer to The Horrible Assault on The Holy Spirit? The truth of the Bible and the experience to which it testifies concerning the Holy Spirit and which real Christians experience constantly. Jesus put the truth in one sentence, “If you (all) continue to Abide (Internalize) in my Word, then you are my disciples indeed, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32).
- What Is The Truth About The Holy Spirit Stated in The Bible?
- The Holy Spirit is a Person and has all the traits of personality – the attributes of a person- mind, will and emotion.
- Performs the acts which only acts which only a person can do – teaches, prays, comforts, speaks, leads, etc. (John 14:16,26; Romans 8:26; Acts 8:20; 13:1-5.
- Can be treated as a person – grieved, quenched, resisted (Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thess. 5:19; Acts 7:51).
- The Holy Spirit is Totally God as much as the Father and the Son: Omnipotent (all power), Omniscience (all knowledge) Omni-present (present everywhere) Psalm 139.
- The Holy Spirit is an Indispensable Person in the Godhead – alongside the Father, and the Son:
- The Father initiated redemption, the Son validated redemption, and the Holy Spirit activates redemption or to put it another way, “The Father thought redemption, the Son bought redemption, and the Holy Spirit brought” This means the Holy Spirit is the Executive Person of the Godhead. Illus: Compare the medical team to 3 persons of the Trinity.
- The Primary Role of the Holy Spirit is to introduce one to Jesus
- By convicting him of his lostness in sin, bringing him to repentance, and inviting Jesus into his life. (John 16:7-11).Whereupon he becomes a “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17)
- To make His dwelling in us so we become “The Temple of the Holy Spirit” and are commanded to glorify God in our bodies (1 Cor. 6:19-20). If we sin against the Holy Spirit, He does not leave us but “CLEANS HOUSE” as He did to the physical temple (Matt. 21:12-13; Heb. 12:6-11).