We often speak of the Tithe, and some of us can do more than speak of it. It is our joy to speak of the giving of the tithe. But what does it mean to give the tithe? You reply, “Of course, anyone knows that the tithe is one tenth of one’s income.” True. Illus. Phil Ortego took out 10 dollar bills. He laid one aside and kept the other nine for himself. One dollar out of ten is not much monetarily speaking, but what it represents
- who I am spiritually and
- the impact it has upon God and others in time and eternity.
So permit me to share with you eight meanings of the tithe to me personally.
- When I tithe I prove that my REPENTANCE is genuine- Matthew 3:7. The word “Return” is the Hebrew Shuv, meaning repentance. Illus: When did you last hear of anyone repenting for not tithing? According to our records only 6% tithe. Not to tithe is a plain transgression of God’s Word. Do you need to repent for not so doing?
- When I tithe I fulfill God’s Financial Requirements. Matthew 3:10; Lev. 27:30; Deut. 14:23; Matthew 23:23; Genesis 14 and 28.
- There are three levels of giving:
- Because I have to – legalism
- Because I ought to – duty
- Because I want to – love.
God has touched my heart, so I give out of His grace and great joy as the poor Macedonians did who in utter poverty gave what Paul commanded and begged to give more.
Illus.: Dr. Chou, pastor of world’s largest church, said to me, “My people give the most during recessions.” I asked why and he replied, “They know the answer to their need is to give.” What does Luke 6:38 tell us?
- When I tithe it prevents me from ROBBING God – Malachi 3:8-9. I return to God what is His and not Rob Him. Excuses for not tithing:
- I can’t afford it, though I see non-tithers living in luxury, nice house, car, clothes, vacations,
- When I make enough. Note: The poor give 5% of their income; the affluent give 2.5 percent. They more you make, the less you give.
Illus.: Man who tithed on $75,000 but could not tithe on $500,000. Asking advise of a pastor, the pastor said, “Let’s pray about it,” The Pastor prayed, “Dear Lord, please reduce Brother Snodgrasses income down to the point he can tithe again.”
- When I tithe I help RESOURCE the local church – Matthew 3:10a. The word is “whole tithe,” into the storehouse.” Temple and Synagogue were “store houses” under the Old Covenant – now the local church.
- Give proper amount
- Give it at the proper place
- Proper purpose. “That there be meat in my house.”
- When I tithe I REAP indescribable blessings from God Himself – Malachi 3:10b. This is the only place in the Bible where God invites us to test or try Him.
Protest: This is slot machine religion. “I put in so much and God has to pay back so much.” No, no, if you give for pay, it won’t pay,” said Letourneau who gave 90% of all he made to the Lord and built a college and great business. See Proverbs 3:9; Luke 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:6,8,11. I give constantly but have never demanded one cent of return. I leave this to God as to the time and the amount.
- When I tithe, God promises to REMOVE and REBUKE the devourer or curse – Mal. 3:11. The greatest curse of our day is indebtedness. 87% of the American people are in serious debt. 13 percent not in debt. Gallup shows that the 13% are tithers. Illus: I could write a big book on the personal blessings of tithing and giving offerings – miracle after miracle for 57 years and now more abundantly than ever.
- When I tithe it RESULTS in a powerful testimony to the whole world. 3:12, “And all the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land.” (I made these notes after hearing Pastor Phil Ortego preach on tithing under the subject, “A Strategy for Financial Success.” I used his main points, but changed the subject, “What Am I Doing When I Tithe?” and filled in my own views under each point. (Note: A better word for point 3: When I tithe I am RETURNING to God what is His and not Robbing God (Grand Larceny). Point #2 should be point #1, for the text begins in Mal. 3:7.