First I wish to “salute” all fathers and grandfathers today for three reasons:
- Because today is Father’s Day – a day set aside to honor fathers
- Because I am a father – Illus: Some years ago I went to preach in Havanna, Cuba. The papers came out with the headline which read, “A father from North America has come to hold evangelistic services in the Marianowa Baptist church.” Of course in a Catholic country, the press assumed any preacher would be called “a father”. I said to my host pastor, “Well, I really am a father. I have three sons.”
- I salute Fathers because God salutes them and challenges them in the highest way. I now invite you to consider our text which appears in 1 Cor. 16:13. In the KJV it reads like this, “Quit ye like men.” That sounds like men are being commanded to “quit being men.” Actually these 4 words are one word in Greek, Andrizesthe which literally means “Start acting like a real man.” “Act like men” (TLB). “Live like men.” (Phillips). “Be Men” (NIV). Now that is not easy today because our culture is infatuated with youth and encourages you not to grow up, so if you would be men, you must reject this tide and swim against the tide. Remember Peter Pan who never grew up. Don’t be a Peter Pan.
But being a real man does not just happen. Many, many men mature physically but remain spiritual and moral infants. How sad.
So today I want to take a stab at stressing the traits of a real man. If you would be a real man, you must take responsibility and reject passivity. One man wrote a book called “Fatherless America,” in which he points out that most American homes are “fatherless” even those homes where the fathers are present. Why? Because fathers are present but they will not assume the responsibility of being the head of their homes.
What must we fathers do to take responsibility as fathers?
- Expect to work. God made us to work. Reject laziness. Laziness is not merely a weakness, but a damnable sin.
- Learn to discipline to complete your work.
- Own your failures. Reject the blame game. Don’t blame your wife or others. Eve and Adam sinned. When God comes on the scene, he calls Adam to account, but Adam passes the blame to Eve. However, Paul makes it clear that the ultimate responsibility is an old and deadly sin which will neuter you. Fight it with all your soul.
- Reject the temptation to whine and complain. One of the most “un-manly things” you can do is whine. I am not suggesting that “you don’t admit weaknesses,” but that you do not whine about everything being wrong rather than seeking a solution. : In our Mentoring School, we have formulated the 11th commandment, “Thou shalt not bellyache.”
- Learn to Sacrifice. Ephesians 5 shows how clearly that a Spirit-filled man will sacrifice. Men never think of being the head of your wife and home and being in the drivers seat. But think of sacrificing for your wife and children – Ephesians 5:25 – be willing to die. Ephesians 6:4, “Provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up – drag them up – in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
- Embrace total commitment. The world will tell you that life is fund in freedom from constraints, obligations or commitments. It is a lie. That leads to a dog’s life.
- Surrender your life to Jesus if you have not.
- Invest yourself in a local church.
- Tithe your money each week.
- Live a life of prayer.
- Internalize the Word of God.
- Put “Women and Children First.” Illus: Most Americans never heard of one of the most important monuments in Washington, DC. It reads, “To the brave men who gave their lives that women and children might be saved.” This monument was erected to honor the brave men who gave their lives on the Titanic that women and children might be saved. In the end 9 men died for every woman who died in that disaster. Men, do you put “Women and Children” first. In a small way you may begin by
- Opening the door for ladies. Illus: If you see a husband opening the door of his car for his wife, it is because she is new or the car is new.