In recent days the Holy Spirit has focused my mind on the fact that the key to victory among God’s people through the ages has been “Unity.” The Greek word translated, “Unity” consists of two words, “Homo,” meaning same, and “Thumadon, meaning “Mind.” When used it certainly does not mean that God’s people possessed the same thoughts about everything; but it does mean they had the same thoughts concerning matters so vital to God’s accomplishing His purposes through them.
After focusing on the experiences of God’s people in the past, the Holy Spirit then drew my attention to the conviction that we, the leaders, in MMM, must be united on items essential for God to bless us; and the unity He expects must be focused in our praying.
In Acts 4:24 we read that the early church under persecution assembled together and “lifted up their voice (singular) to God with ONE ACCORD…and when they prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were ALL filled with the Holy Spirit and they (ALL) spoke the Word of God with boldness. And the multitude which believed were of one heart and one soul (One Accord); and not one person claimed ownership of any material thing they possessed, but gave it over to others according to their needs. And with great power the apostles gave witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ; and great grace was upon them all.” (Acts 4:31-33). Why is this account in the Bible? To encourage His people of all ages to unite around the redemptive purposes of God in unity that these purposes would be realized.
Concerning MMM, Thad, Billy, and I have identified the following items which we think we should focus upon in united prayer:
- That we glorify Jesus Christ in all we do.
- That the Holy Spirit would lead us clearly in the revising of our curriculum, fund raising, succession, etc.
- That the Holy Spirit will lead us to men to serve on our Board who would make a definite contribution in a specific area of need.
- That our servant leader Brother Bill Bennett would be anointed with “fresh oil” (Psalm 92:10) as he seeks a fresh word weekly to share with the students.
- That the President, staff, and members of the Board would model in their lives the principles of mentoring taught in our schools.
- That the Holy Spirit would lead us to men who will surrender their lives to become mentors of others and enable us to replicate our ministry to the ends of the earth.
- that God would show us new and more creative ways to accomplish the above in addition to what we are already doing.
- That we endeavor to win the lost as well as “come alongside” the saved.
- That we all be of one mind concerning the direction and future of MMM.
- That the Board would “lift their voice to God” (Acts 4:24) in united prayer concerning the above resolutions.
These eight resolves are not exhaustive, and I would be so grateful, if you have other objects you wish to nominate, that you send them to me promptly.
Conclusion: I, therefore, prayerfully lay before you the case for Unity and respectfully appeal to every member of our Board to unite with us in “lifting our voice with one accord to God” (Acts 4:24) for the meeting of our needs. Please note that before God sent the great blessing of the Holy Spirit, God’s people were not only in “unity” but in “one place,” first in prayer, in the Upper Room (Acts 1:14) and then on the very Day (Pentecost) on which the Holy Spirit descended upon every believer (Acts 2:1-4). Two of our Board members, Dr. Steve Royal and Mark Huckaby, live outside of our city and cannot possibly be physically present in our weekly prayer time, and I would simply suggest to them to pray at home the same hour we are praying in Wilmington – 5:15-5:45 – every Friday or 6:15-6:45 – every Saturday. Also if there are local members of our Board who are providentially hindered in attending I appeal to them to do the same thing.
Thanks for reading my appeal, and please let me know if you will cooperate in this united effort, and don’t forget to nominate other items upon which we should focus in prayer.