The foundation and great value of Mentoring is the “Internalization of the Word of God.” Otherwise mentoring would be just another Bible study, Sunday School class, seminar when it is a higher level of receiving truth from God’s Word and of greater value.
- What does it mean to “Internalize” the Word of God? The word “internalize” does not appear in the Bible, but even stronger words are used to convey its truth, show its necessity and enormous value. In a nutshell “Internalization” means to impress upon one’s mind and heart the truth of God’s Word in the Bible by serious study, memorization, meditation and frequent repetitions, until that Word becomes the truth and principles which guide our lives in the ways God has commanded, and which molds us into the image of Christ (Romans 8:28) or in becoming true Christ-followers. Let us now survey the concept of “Internalization” throughout the Bible:
- Joshua 1:8 – God commands Joshua, “Let not the words of this book depart from your mouth but meditate on them day and night that you might do all that is written in it and you will find success and progress.” The word “meditate” means “to mutter,” meaning that one should know the Word so well that he could quote it, meditate on it and “mutter” to God and himself its true meaning which is gripping his heart.
- Psalm 1:1-3 – the same word “mutter” is found.
- Ezekiel 3:1 – God commands Ezekiel to “eat the scroll (the Word of God) and go speak to the House of Israel, clearly implying that the prophet was not qualified to speak the Word until he had consumed it on the inside of himself.
- Revelation 10:9 – God commands the Apostle John to “Take and eat the scroll” before he preached it “to many people, nations, tongues, and kings.”
- Jeremiah 15:16 – The prophet writes that “your words were found and I ate them” and they became “the joy and rejoicing of my heart.” “Eat” is a metaphor, meaning to consume the Word of God for spiritual nourishment as one would consume physical good for physical strength.
- Job 23:12b – Job declares that “I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food,” meaning that eating or internalizing the Word is more valuable than eating physical food.
- James 1:21-22 – (oldest book of the New Testament) – God declares that it is worthless to hear the Word and not do it and that one should “lay aside all moral filth” and “receive with meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save the soul.” These words were written to people already saved form their sins, so the “saving of the soul” means the sanctification of one’s life for obedient service or becoming a true Christ-follower.
- John 15:4-5,7 – Jesus used an even stronger word than “internalize” to stress the necessity of knowing, memorizing, meditating, and living by the Word – the word “abide.” Abide (meno in Greek) means to continually remain in, live by, obey and follow.
In fact Jesus declares that if one is a true disciple, he will continually abide in God’s Word which will free him from the bondage of sin. “If you abide in my word, then you are truly my disciple (and not before) and you will know (Greek – ginosko, know by experience) the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
- What are the great benefits from Internalizing the Word?
- Both Joshua 1:8 and Psalm 1:1-3 promise that those who internalize the Word will experience success and progress.
- The Apostle James promises the same in James 1:25.
- Jesus Himself identifies the incredible reward of abiding or internalizing the Word: Answered prayer (John 15:7), the same joy Jesus experienced (John 15:11), much fruit and fruit that would last (John 15:16).
- What are some practical benefits we have seen in the lives of men who seriously Internalize the Word?
- Men who were dormant have become radiantly alive.
- Men totally passive became heads of their homes.
- Men who were total wimps as husbands became the joy of their wives.
- Men who have “played church” for years became powerful deacons, teachers, prayer warriors, and witnesses.
- Men who themselves became Mentors of other guys and conducted mentoring schools.
Caution: The success and progress promised are not to be measured by the standards of the world, as some religious movements now teach. These blessings are the by-products of a life devoted to the Lord and His Word, the fulfillment of the promises of Psalm 84:11b, “No good thing will the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly.”
When anyone internalizes the Word of God seriously he is walking uprightly and not until then. The results of such a lifestyle are glorious:
- You are obeying the will of God
- You are empowered by the Holy Spirit
- You are glorifying Jesus Christ, not yourself.
- You are “walking on your knees.”
- You are filled with joy, power, perseverance and wisdom.
- God will meet the real needs (Phil. 4:19) of you and your family.
- You will be living in the hope of going to heaven one day.
- It is God’s will that every true believer Internalize the Word of God (Romans 8:29).
- Internalizing the Word requires discipline (1 Timothy 4:7b, NASV)
- In order to be disciplined, one needs to be accountable.
- It is the God-given mission of Mentoring Men for the Master, Int’l. to teach men and boys how to internalize the Word and to hold them accountable in love that they might be “conformed to Christ’s image” or become true Christ-followers.
- MMM welcomes you to this experience commanded by God for His glory and which brings to you the greatest benefits this side of heaven.