Introduction: THE GREATEST EVENT in human history is undisputed. It is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! It is the keystone of the arch of salvation. Remove it and the whole structure of the plan of salvation crumbles in the dust.
The good news of the gospel is that Christ died for our sins and that He rose again . The resurrection of Christ is the proof that His death atoned for sin. The wages of one single sin is death. One sin brought the curse of death upon all mankind (Rom. 5:12-15). If Jesus had paid for all the sins of mankind except one, He could not have risen, for one sin would have been enough to keep Him in the tomb.
When Jesus arose, it was proof that He had completely met redemption’s price. When He cried, “It is finished!”, the work was fully done. God was satisfied and then proved the completeness of the work by raising Christ from the dead.
Now we come to the SECOND GREATEST EVENT in the history of the Church, namely, Pentecost—the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. Shortly after rising from the dead, Jesus went up to heaven to rejoin His Father. Then the Holy Spirit came down upon the people of God.
Now the reason that Pentecost is so important to the church is that without His presence and power, the church would have died out long ago. It is He that gives us the anointing to accomplish that which is impossible in the flesh.
Perhaps no event has been more misunderstood and maligned than Pentecost. Some folks equate it with “holy rollers.” Others equate it with emotional extremism. Still others view it as a denomination or movement. And then there are many who have no idea at all what it is all about.
Illus.: “The Boy Who Believes in the Holy Spirit Isn’t Here”
A children’s catechism class was learning the Apostles Creed. Each child had been assigned a sentence to repeat. The first one said, “I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” The second child said, “I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son…” When he had completed his sentence, there was an embarrassing silence. Finally, one child piped up, “Teacher, the boy who believes in the Holy Spirit isn’t here.”
I believe that every pastor has a responsibility to carefully explain the meaning and significance of Pentecost. We don’t want to miss the power of God in our lives, do we?
- The Purpose of Pentecost – to release the presence and power of the resurrected Jesus in the life of every believer and the church.
- The Promise of Pentecost – Acts 2:16-18, 2:1 – Peter left no doubt about it. “This is what was spoken of through the prophet Joel: ‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, ‘that I will pour forth my Spirit upon all flesh…’”
- The Power of Pentecost – Acts 1:8
- Power in what:
(a) Prayer – Acts 4:31
(b) Witnessing – Acts 1:8
(c) Worshipping – Acts 2:46
(d) To overcome:
(1) Satan
(2) Temptation
(3) Failure
(4) Compromise
(5) Sin
(6) Sorrow
(7) Disappointment
No one can be a real victorious person without the Spirit’s help. He is the overcoming force within us. As one little boy put it, “He’s the One who puts the “umph” in triumph.”
- To Persevere. These early Spirit-filled Christians didn’t entertain any thought of giving up. Though scattered, threatened, beaten, and thrown in prison, they laid down their lives.
- Generosity – 2:44-45
- To gain influence – 2:47
- To win souls daily – 2:47b
- The Price of Pentecost
- Faith – John 7:37-37
- Obedience – Luke 24:49; Acts 1:14
- Prayer – Acts 1:14
- Cleansing – Acts 15:9
- Unity – Acts 1:14, 2:1, 2:46
- Seeking
- Surrender
- Protestations against Pentecost
- “I got all the Holy Spirit when I was saved.”
- The Holy Spirit is for the Pentecostal denomination and I am not a Pentecostal.
- Fear of Religious Fanaticism
- Form of godliness but denying the power of God
- Backslidden, lukewarm churches which are no more than social clubs, civic organizations with a religious tint.
- Failure of pastors to experience and preach the infilling.
- A sinning religion which hates holiness
- Plain rebellion against the work of God.
- Your Personal Pentecost
Two major truths should be etched in our thinking:
- No one should seek the external sights and sounds of the historic Pentecost. God has not promised to reproduce them.
- But a personal Pentecost of power is the birthright of every born again person. The infilling is for us today and we don’t need to travel to the Holy land to receive it.
When the disciples were born again, they received all of the Holy Spirit. When they yielded themselves to Jesus, the Holy Spirit got all of them.
Illus.: “A Veteran Gets the Light”
Some years ago, a pastor was ministering to a war veteran who was in a wheel chair due to a serious wound received in battle. He inquired about holiness and how he might obtain the fullness of the Spirit. The preacher explained it as best he could, but the ex-soldier just couldn’t seem to understand the idea of consecration. Finally his face lit up with a smile. “Wait a minute,” he said, “I think I’ve got it. When I was in the army it was my business to obey the commands that were given to me without reservation or hesitation. That’s the mark of a good soldier. Is that what Christ wants me to do?” “That’s it!” replied the pastor. “You’ve got it!”
When he disciples were saved, Christ became their copilot. When filled with the Holy Spirit, Christ became their pilot.
My Observation:
The average Christian and average church are bogged down somewhere between Calvary and Pentecost. They have been to Calvary for pardon, but not to Pentecost for power. Bethlehem means God with us. Calvary means God for us. But Pentecost means God in us and empowering us. This truth transformed my life and ministry forever. I believe the average believe r today is much like the Ephesian believer when Paul asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They replied, “We didn’t even know there was a Holy Spirit” (Acts 19:2). Most Christians and churches do not understand the role and power of the Holy Spirit. J. B. Phillips said, “What we need today is again the Wind and Flame of Pentecost.” Pentecost is not a denomination, but an experience every born again person should receive.
The early disciples waited for Pentecost. Today Pentecost is waiting for us.
There are three kinds of Christians:
- Row-boat Christians – struggling in their own power; stop to rest for a while, only to find that the current has taken them back where they started.
- Sail-boat Christians – let the wind do all the work; enjoy the high moments, but what happens when the doldrums come?
- Steam powered Christians – take the water of the Word and combine it with the fire of the Holy Spirit and there is constant power no matter what the conditions!