On September 2nd and 3rd, we will be concentrating on the 4th “I”: Involvement in the World-Mission of Christ.” The lesson on those days will consist of a “FORUM ON PERSONAL EVANGELISM.” At the outset of the class I will bring a brief teaching on “Tom, Dick and Harry and Evangelism”. Then the “Forum on Evangelism” will ensue, consisting of a Q & A time concerning Evangelism and our personal participation or non-participation in it. To prepare for this “Forum,” please do the following:
- Read very carefully “The 26 Questions to Clarify The World Mission of Christ And Our Responsibility in This Mission, in 10 Absolute Life-Changers of Men, pp. 73-75.
- Also read “How to Keep The Great Commission from Becoming Your Great Omission,” pp. 75-77
- Take time to witness to at least one person this week and be prepared to share your experience.
- Pray fervently for the Holy Spirit to fill your life and to super-intend our class meetings.
- Be prepared to share in the Q & A time. You may ask your own questions as well as mine.
Be assured that the atmosphere of the “Forum” will be relaxed and un-coerced.
- Examples of Q & A:
- Why do I need to evangelize?
- I don’t have the gift of evangelism so why do I need to evangelize?
- I don’t share the gospel, I just live it. Is that sufficient?
- Do you believe or not believe that it is your responsibility to witness to the lost and how often?
- If you witness regularly, why? or why not?
- Why should you not be ashamed of the gospel?
- If you are ashamed, do you understand that Jesus Christ is ashamed of you? And what does that mean? (Mark 8:38).
- “He who wins souls is wise.” (Prov. 11:30).
- What are the present benefits of sharing the gospel?
- What are the future benefits of sharing the gospel?
- Who is your opinion was the greatest soul winner in the New Testament? What does this tell us about those who witness?
- The Bible says John the Baptist performed no miracles but was a powerful witness. Why? (John 10:41-42). What does this tell abut the qualifications of the soul-winner?
- Do you believe you will give an account of your soul-winning in the judgment? If so, would you be “Pure from the blood of all men” (Acts 20:26) or would you be guilty (Ezek. 33:6-10).
- If you are not witnessing, what would it take for you to begin witnessing?
- What is the number one reason that professing Christians do not witness? What did Adrian Rogers say?
- What is the greatest single motivation for witnessing?
- What is the relationship between the Holy Spirit and witnessing? Prayer and witnessing? Your personal holiness and mentoring?
- Is it a sin not to witness? If a sin and you are guilty, you ought to repent, will you?
- Common Excuses for Not Witnessing
- “I don’t have time to witness.”
- “I don’t know what to say.”
- “Witnessing is the job of the pastor.”
What is your response to the above?