To prove the above bold assertion, we must ask and answer 7 simple questions:
- What is the Bible? It is the inerrant, God-breathed (theopneustos) Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Simply stated, the Bible is God talking to us personally and relevantly.
- What is the Bible saying that is personal and relevant? The following passage answers this question: “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. (Psalm 19:7-9) You will note that the Bible is described in the above passage by six specific words and followed by six glorious blessings which come when one obeys the Word. In summary these words declare that the Bible, the Word of God, is perfect, totally reliable, complete, all-sufficient, and powerful enough to convert or transform the ENTIRE person, thus conforming him into the image of Christ, which is God’s purpose for every human on this planet. (Romans 8:29)
- How are you treating your Bible? The Bible is the most unread best seller in the world on the part of most professed Christians. Some believers go further and read the Bible to some degree. Some study the Bible. Millions sit in churches and hear the Bible regularly, thinking they have treated the Bible wonderfully, when in fact they are only “deceiving themselves.” (James 1:22) Classify yourself, please.
- How should you be treating your Bible? You should “Internalize” the Bible, that is, get it on the “inside of you until you literally abide in and live by the Word. But how? (1) We should Know the Bible in our head by diligent study, (2) we should Stow it in our hearts by memorization and meditation, (3) we should Show it in our lives by obeying its teachings, and (4) we should Sow it in our world by our witness.
- What are the glorious results of treating your Bible in this manner? You will be changed into the Person God created and redeemed you to be, possessing both the Character and Conduct of Jesus Christ, and when this occurs you will be enjoying the ABUNDANT LIFE Jesus promises in John 10:10b) and fulfilling His purpose for you on this earth. Jeremiah, the prophet, expressed it in these exciting words, “You word was found and I did eat it (internalize it) and it became the joy and rejoicing of my life.” (15:16)
- What is the relationship between the way I treat my Bible and the way I treat God? Simply this: When we know the Word, memorize it, meditate on it, and obey it in our life style, we enjoy a wonderful relationship with Jesus and even the joy He enjoyed when He obeyed His Father (John 12:50, 14:31, 15:11). Jesus Himself promises “He who has my commandments (internalize them) and obeys them…I will come and make myself real unto Him. (John 14:21,23) That translates into “Living in the presence of Jesus.”
- Finally, is the Word of God relevant to meeting my needs today, or is it out-of date and irrelevant? “Scripture needs no updating, editing, or beginning. Whatever time or culture you live in, it is eternally relevant. It needs no help in that regard. It is pure, sinless, inerrant truth; it is enduring; it is God’s revelation to every generation. It was written by the Omniscient Spirit of God, who is infinitely more sophisticated than anyone who dares stand in judgment on Scripture’s relevancy for today’s society, and infinitely wiser than all the best philosophers, analysts, and psychologists who pass like childhood parade into irrelevancy.” (Dr. John MacArthur)