“The Voice of the Divine rules out a multitude of human opinions.” (Thomas A Kempis)
God is a Person and He relates to His children personally by speaking to them. Seven Questions:
- What Are The Requirements for Hearing His Voice?
- A Personal Relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Avoid 2 dangers:
- Religion.
- Common Grace Experiences.
- Confession of all known sins – Psalm 66:18; Isaiah 59:1-2.
- Keep an open ear to the voice of God.
- Hindrances.
- Pray Samuel’s Prayer – 1 Samuel 3:10.
- Internalize God’s Word and obey it – John 14:21.
- Allocate time in advance to pray and listen.
- Schedule time.
- Slow down – be quiet – Psalm 46:10.
- Eliminate Distractions: TV, Sports, Telephone, The Mall, Work, Door Bell, Cell (the foremost stronghold – 2 Cor. 10:4), Hurry, Worry.
- Mean business with God above everything else.
- A Personal Relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Avoid 2 dangers:
- What Are Specific Ways God Talks to Us?
- The Bible is God talking to us personally.
- The Logos consisting of 66 books, 1189 chapters, 31,103 verses, 774,474 words
- The Rema (Ephesians 6:17).
- 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 – “The whole Bible was God-breathed and is useful to teach us what is true and makes us realize what is wrong in our lives. This is why it is so important that you have a daily quiet time to talk to God and listen for Him to talk back.”
- The Holy Spirit – John 16:13; Acts 8:29; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22.
- John 14:26, “The Holy Spirit will be your teacher and will bring to your mind all that I have said to you.” This means He whispers God’s Word. He gives us impressions. He touches our “gut” until we know He is speaking to us.
- The Still Small Voice -Impressions in the soul – (1 Kings 19:12).
- Gifted Teachers – Ex.: Dr. R. G. Lee, Dr. James Kennedy, Dr. Leo Eddleman, Spurgeon, Murray McCheyne, John Stott, Ray Stedman.
- Gifted Preachers – Adrian Rogers, Billy Graham, Spurgeon.
- Fervent Prayer and Fasting
- Acts 13:1-5 – The Holy Spirit speaks one message to five different men to launch world missions through Paul and Barnabas.
- Pain and Suffering
- David – Psalm 119:67, 71.
- C. S. Lewis, “Pain is God’s megaphone to get our attention.”
- Suffering is God’s gift – Phil. 1:29.
- The Unlearned and Lowly – (1 Cor. 1:21-26).
- Your Enemies
- Dreams – Only once in my life – (Jeremiah 23:32)
- The Bible is God talking to us personally.
- What Does It Mean When God Is Silent?
- God is silent but He is never absent. Illus: 400 years of silence from Malachi (BC 400 – John the Baptist). God was preparing the world for the coming of Jesus (Gal. 4:4).
- Job 23:3 – “If I knew where to find Him, if only I could go to Him…”
- Isaiah 57:11
- What Are The Benefits in Hearing God Speak?
- It assures that you are a member of God’s family.
- It reveals to you the right way to go and the right word to speak. Illus: preaching and teaching.
- It keeps you from making mistakes.
- It excites and sets you on fire – “God has spoken and I must speak.” (Jer. 23:29; Amos 3:8).
- Illus: I have spoken to 3 Presidents of the USA and that pales in insignificance compared to hearing the voice of God.
- What Is The Danger of Not Obeying God When God Speaks?
- Hebrews 3:7, 8, 15; 4:7.
- How Did God Punish Israel When They Refused to Listen to His Word?
- Amos 8:11
- Is America Approaching This Famine?
Final Word:
“Light for Dark Nights of the Soul” – What God wants us to know about Him above ALL: just how much He loves us, no matter what (John 3:16; Romans 8:31-32).
Illus: “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand.”
Lunch and Laugh:
- What does God both give away and keep at the same time?
- Which animal on the Ark was the rudest? Matthew and Mark have something that is not found in Luke and John. What is it?
- Where in the Bible does it suggest that Men should wash the dishes? In 2 Kings 21:13- “And I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down.”
- Where did Noah strike the first nail in the Ark?
- Was there any money on Noah’s Ark? Yes, the duck took a bill, the frog took a greenback and the skunk took a scent.
- How were Adam and Eve prevented from gambling? Their pair – o-dice was taken away from them.
- Who was the first man to say, “I have sinned” in the Bible.
- How do we know the media kept people from Jesus? Mk. 2:4
Questions and Answer:
- “The ban on Same-Sex Marriages in Virginia declared unconstitutional by the Court clears the way for Gay Marriage in North Carolina.” (Attorney General of NC, Ray Cooper)
- Will pastors in NC have to perform Same-Sex Marriages or be arrested?
- Identify the Enola Gay and “Dutch” Van Kirk?
- What is unusual about the word Facetious?
- What Old Testament Prophet could not hear God speak because he did not know the Lord but got saved and prayed, “Lord speak for thy servant heareth”? (1 Samuel 3:10)
- Why does mankind today need to hear God as never before?
- What is the one thing above all that God wants every individual to know about Him?
- If one never hears God speak, do you believe that is a sign that he has never been saved?
- Some preach because he must say something, some preach because he has something to say. The difference?
- What two prophets said they had to speak because God had spoken to them?
- Do you believe hearing God speak continually and hardening your heart and not obeying Him is the unpardonable sin? (J. Harold Smith)
- Can you cite a Scripture that declares this a possibility?
- Do you believe that God speaks continually to you about matters to get your attention?
- If one constantly says, “The Lord spoke to me,” Is that undeniable evidence that God has spoken?
- Does God permit us time to be sure He has spoken to us?
- Is there a relationship between one hearing God and His memory of Scripture?
- Is there a relationship between hearing God and being filled with the Holy Spirit?
- “The preacher who is rushing the calendar to retire never heard God’s call to preach in the first place.” (Jerry Falwell) Your reaction.
- What is the major way God speaks to you?
- Has God ever spoken to you through suffering?
- What notable Old Testament character was greatly enlightened by his suffering?
- Can you name a person through whom God has spoken to you?
- An enemy?
- What is the greatest distraction you have in hearing God speak?
- Do you believe our cell phones are our greatest distraction today?
- Has this lesson helped you hear God better?
- Has this lesson convicted you of some sin or failure which keeps you from hearing God?
- How does the voice of the Divine rule out a multitude of human opinions?
- What are some situations where God must speak or disaster will follow?
- Name some situations where you don’t obey the voice, you face disaster?
- Why did Jesus speak of one ear seven times (Rev. 2-3) rather than ears concerning our hearing?