Your attitude toward Scripture will determine your effectiveness in Internalizing the Word each week.
There are three attitudes (The 3 B’s) manifested in the natural world which help us understand how we should approach the Holy Scripture:
- The Attitude of the Butterfly. A butterfly flits from flower to flower. It spends a few seconds on the edge of each but derives no particular benefit from any of them.
When it comes to Bible study, many people are like butterflies. They go from one favorite verse to another, one seminar to another, or one book to another. They are very busy and expend much energy but have little to show for their efforts. They remain unchanged in any significant way because they never really delve into the Word of God wholeheartedly. They are content to “flutter” around the edges, all at he same time thinking they are avid students and learners of the Bible.
- The Attitude of the Botanist. A Botanist carefully observes each flower. He takes pictures and makes copious notes of what he observes. But after hours of meticulous study, most of what he learned is shut up in his book. Very little remained in his mind.
When it comes to Bible study, many are like the botanist. They study in great depth but never apply it to their lives. Many Bible commentaries are written by unbelievers. Sometimes their grasp of Scripture is exceptional, but they know noth9ing of true love for God and obedience to Biblical truth. What a tragedy. But you don’t have to hold a Ph.D. in biblical studies to make that mistake. All who fail to apply the truth of their Bible fall into this error. I have known many who would study the Bible or hear a great teaching and record what they heard or learned but never internalized the Word at all.
- The Attitude of the Bee. When the bee enters a flower, it emerges laden with pollen. It left the hive that morning empty but returns full.
When it comes to Bible study, some are like the bee. They love the Word, they memorize the Word, they meditate on it, they understand its meaning, they obey it in their lives, they witness it to others, the Holy Spirit transforms them into “the image of Christ” (Romans 8:29), 2 Cor. 3:18) and their lives are sweeter and purer because the Word is allowed to do its work (Heb. 4:12; Psalm 119:97, 103; John 15:16).
Are you a Butterfly, a Botanist, or a Bee?