The fact that Jesus is God, who cannot lie (Titus 1:3) is the absolute and supreme proof that the Scriptures are inerrant, accurate, and can be trusted to the fullest extent. Permit me to prove this bold statement by the following examples of Jesus’ absolute devotion to the Scriptures:
- Jesus quoted Scriptures authoritatively (Matthew 4:4; Mark 14:27).
- Jesus referred to the Scriptures as the “Word of God.” (Matthew 19:4f; Mark 7:11-13; John 10:34).
- Jesus believed the Scriptures were given by the revelation of God through the Holy Spirit (Mark 12:36).
- Jesus believed the entire Old Testament was authoritative (Luke 24:25; 44).
- Jesus quoted from the main divisions of the Old Testament: the law (Matthew 4:4), the poetic books (Mark 12:10ff), the prophets (Mark 7:6).
- Jesus accepted Old Testament history as literally true: existence of the patriarchs (Matthew 22:32), Moses call at the burning bush (Mark 12:26), the ministry of Jonah (Luke 11:30), the murder of Abel and Zechariah (Matthew 23:35), Noah and the flood (Luke 17:26ff), the ministry of Elijah and Elisha (Luke 4:26ff), accepted their miracles (Luke 4:25-27; John 3:14), accepted the Old Testament prophesy (Matthew 11:10; Mark 7:6).
Even though Jesus was incarnate deity, He put the Word of Scripture above His own. It was the Scripture that persuaded Him that He was the Messiah and of His inevitable rejection and crucifixion (Matthew 26:24; Mark 8:31; Luke 22:37). When Jesus appeared to two of His followers on the Road to Emmaus, He did not point to His person as proof of His resurrection, but he “beginning with Moses and all the prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27).
On many occasions I heard so-called authorities on the Scriptures raise every question on the book concerning their reliability and even assault them as being below the morality of God. One professor said, “If Jesus believed and practiced the Old Testament, he was not a Christian himself.” How did I deal with such teaching? I clung to the conviction that Jesus is God, who cannot lie, and that I would trust what He said and believed, not what misguided men said. I would urge to do the same if you are ever confronted concerning the absolute truthfulness of the Holy Scriptures.