Moscow, Russia – population 18 million plus, 3 hours from the North Pole, temperature -17 degrees – delight to people – deadly to me. Joke: Boy buried in snow to his neck.
December 9th -17th, smooth flight from Wilmington to Atlanta then to New York and then on to Moscow (9500 miles). Return from Moscow to Amsterdam, from Amsterdam to Atlanta and on to Wilmington. (9500 miles)
I will endeavor to verbalize in words my indescribable experiences and on January 2nd, 2014 you will “visualize” them thanks to my wonderful assistant Reggie Drummond.
First of all, SPA-C-BAA to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, to my wonderful President, Thad and Admin. Assistant, “Ms. E,” and Personal Assistant, Reggie, par excellent, and to you my great prayer supporters of the Forums – unprecedented.
- How I met Rick Renner (unprecedented)
- How he worked with me.
- What I did for him
- How he rebelled
- Returned
- Praised “plain Bill Bennett’s” very tough discipline as the thing which prepared him for world-wide, miraculous ministry, without which he would have amounted to zero.
- Rick’s inimitable companion, Denise, and the world’s greatest operatic singer.
Details as much as possible:
- Family, Fun, Fellowship
- Frigid
- Frightful
- Furious
- Faithful Reggie- SPA-C-BAA Exceedingly abundantly and above measure.
- Friendly
- Fruitful
- Far Reaching
- Future
- FAVOR with big “F”
FULL DETAILS TO BE VISUALIZED – Next Lesson, January 2nd, 2014.
Future Events:
Every member of Forum urged to attend to “Christmas Fellowship” in my home on Saturday, December 28th, 6-8:30 PM.
EACH PERSON WILL BE GIVEN A SPECIAL EXPENSIFE GIFT FROM RUSSIA and get to see with your own eyes “FATHER FROST,” a priceless Russian emblem for this season.
FANTASTIC: I returned stronger, feel healthier, have no “jet lag,” and determined more than ever under the Lordship of the Holy Spirit to live to love and obey Jesus more than ever and to share that love and care for millions in our world that they might become true disciples who make disciples (real Christ-followers) before I am promoted to heaven.
If the “Wise Men” had been “Wise Women”, how would they have probably handled the situation in contrast to the men? (1) They would have asked directions upon commencing their trip. Now guess the other things they would have done.
- Why has no one ever figured out what the Star of Bethlehem really was?
- Why has no one ever figured out just how the “Virgin Birth” occurred?
- How are the Virgin Birth and the Star of Bethlehem alike?
- Why did Jesus choose a crook for the ministry? (John 6:70) (later lesson)
- Was Jesus mistaken? Then why? (later lesson at Forum)
- Had the other disciples suspected one of them to be a devil or traitor, whom would they have probably chosen?
- Why would they have not probably chosen Judas?
- How do we know Mary was not a perpetual Virgin? Two reasons:
- Matthew 1:25
- Mark 6:3; Matthew 13:55-56.
- How many sisters did Jesus have? (Matthew 13:56)
- Who was the first woman preacher and what did she preach? (John 20:28)
- Is there Scriptural evidence that Jesus’ may have been conceived about December 25th,, and birth occurred about September 29th ? See Luke 2:8
- Is the miracle of Christmas in the birth or miraculous conception?
- Is there Scriptural evidence that Mary kept a baby book on Jesus?- Luke 2:19
- Did Jesus know He was God at His birth? – Luke 2:49
- Did Mary know she had given birth to the Messiah? Song, “Mary, didyou know?”
- Did Mary give birth to the eternal God? Does that mean God is only 2000 years old?
- Why did God choose Mary? 3 reasons.
- Did Mary need a personal Savior and did Jesus save Her? -Luke 1:47
- Was Mary conceived without sin (Immaculate Conception)?
- How do we know Halley’s comet, the Milk Way, etc., were not the Bethlehem Star?
- Why was the Gospel first transmitted to the shepherds? – Luke 2:8
- How did the Christmas tree become part of the Christmas celebration?
- Joseph took Mary as his “wife” before Jesus was born. Does this disprove the virgin birth? Why not? – Matthew 1:25.
- Can you deny or disbelieve the virgin birth and experience the new birth?
- Can you not understand the virgin birth and be saved?
- What person could not die before the first Christmas? – Luke 2:28
- What do the letters mas mean in Christmas? (not mass)
- Why did the early church not celebrate Christmas until AD 336?
- Scholars say Jesus was born in or before 4 BC (Before Christ), because Jesus lived in the days of Herod and Herod died in 4 BC.
- Why did the angel address Mary as “Ave Maria?”