God has established three Institutions: The Home (Genesis 2:18-25), The Government (Gen. 9:1-17; and The Church (Acts 2). Even though sometimes we cannot respect the man in office, we must respect the office, for government was ordained by God, and even though government officials are not believers, they are still ministers of God (Romans 13:4). Any citizen should obey the law because of fear of punishment, but the Christian must obey it to maintain a good conscience (1 Tim. 1:5,19; 3:9; 4:2; Acts 24:16). However, if the government interferes with conscience, then the Christian “must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29), but in a democratic society, it is best to make wrong right by voting.
- Government should compel one religion on everyone.
- Government should exclude religion.
- All government is evil and demonic.
- Do evangelism, not politics.
- Do Politics, not evangelism[1]
Jesus was not anti-government. This does not mean He could not criticize government if it was counter to God’s will. By working within the confines of government, it allowed Him the freedom to communicate His message.[2]
Jesus influenced government by impacting leaders in government, such as Matthew and Zaccheus (Matthew 9:9; Luke 19:2).
- Thank God for government. Question: Why?
- Pray specifically for all those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1) – National, State, County, Local). How should a Christian pray for a crooked politician or one who favors and votes for issues contrary to the Bible? One Christian said he prayed scripturally for Obama by praying Psalm 109:8.
- Support the military. Question: How can we do that?
- Vote for principle, not party. Question: Is it a sin for a Christian not to vote? If he does not vote, should he criticize those who are elected?
Note Especially This Reality: “Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.” (Walt Whitman) What do you think of this: Someone said to my mother, “Mrs. Bennett, don’t you know you ought to vote for the right man, not the party and she replied, I always vote for the right man and he always happens to be in the _________Party.”
- Pay your taxes. Jesus paid His taxes (Matthew 17:24-27). Question: Should you pay taxes when you do not agree on how your tax money is being spent?
- Get involved in government. Either run for office or support godly and wise people who do. Question: What would you say to the person who says, “I don’t trouble to vote. After all one vote doesn’t mean anything.”
- Write to government leaders not only when you disagree, or want them to do you a favor, but also to say “thank you.” Question: When did you last write to such? Do you agree with this statement: “If Christians alone would vote, they would vote in godly men and women committed to biblical principles and turn our nation back to God.”
- Send your Congressman a little gift on his birthday or at Christmas. Suggestion: Send him a nice Bible with his or her name imprinted on it.
- Work to change government before complaining about government. Complaining is a negative response with no intention of making things better. Question: Did you ever ask a leader, “How can I help? What can I do to make things better?”
- The Million Dollar Question: If Christians alone would ask, “What can I do for my Country, instead of what can my Country do for me, what would be the result?
- BE IN THE KNOW ON THE CRUCIAL ISSUES FACING OUR NATION. Hosea 4:6 declares “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Knowledge is powerful. Ignorance is also, and in our society ignorance on the issues is no excuse. Question: I heard the main leader in a local church recently complaining about the government and at the same saying “I don’t want to know anything about what’s happening. I don’t read the newspaper nor listen to the news. I don’t want to hear about the mess.” Illus: One man had on his desk these words, “I’ve made up my mind, and don’t confuse me with the facts.” We laugh at such an outlandish statement, but isn’t that what this brother was saying.
- Pray that God will have mercy upon our nation and spare us from His just judgment. “I am not afraid what Islam and the Terrorists can do against us, but what God may do to us, for “the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.” (Adrian Rogers).
- Obey 2 Chron. 7:14 so a mighty Revival may sweep across this land comparable to the Great Awakening of 1725-1776, 1801, 1859.
[1] Wayne Gruden, Politics According to the Bible, p. 23.
[2] Jay Dennis, Jesus Habits, p. 115.