Introduction: Some years ago a Search committee from a large church called me and asked if I would consider becoming their pastor. Among other questions, I asked them “How long would it take them to call a pastor?” They replied “About 3 to 6 months.” I then asked “Why do you think you can call a pastor in such a short time?” They replied, “Because our entire congregation is praying, winning souls, faithfully attending and giving, and cry out to God for His man to lead us.”
You say “I though it was the Search Committee who determined our next pastor.” Not at all. The purpose of the SC is to locate the man the church has prayed in. Anecdote: pastor who stayed for 3 years, etc.
This raised the question, what kind of congregation can pray in a pastor? The answer: The congregation which has the “mind of Christ.” And what is the “mind” of Christ. God answers that question in our text today, Phil. 2:5-11:
Please note with me the nature of the attitude of Christ: First, Christ had the Mind of Self–Denial. “Tho existing in the form of God and possessed all the power of God, he denied Himself of those rights in order to come to this earth and redeem our souls.” (2 Cor. 8:9) How poor was Jesus? So poor he was born in a feed trough had a peasant mother, did not even own a donkey, or have a place to lay his head.
Such humility the world has never seen, and yet you are called to such humility at this time, wanting only God’s will for your church, not yours. Secondly, Christ had the Mind of Service. Jesus never asked any person to serve Him. Matt. 20:28. He served criminals, harlots, fisherman, IRS agents. SM – Last scene we have of Jesus, he is washing the feet of His disciples. During this interim, you walk the 2nd mile, be faithful as ever, etc. Thirdly, Christ had the mind of Sacrifice – He humbled himself and submitted not just too physical death but death on the cross – the most cruel, cursed way of death on earth. This congregation is call upon to sacrifice as never before in making up for pastor’s absence. Fourthly, Christ had the mind of submission – He was totally submissive to His Father, “Not my will, but yours be done, not the pastor I would choose but the one you have ordained for us.”
And how did the Father honor Jesus for His sacrifice: He highly exalted him and gave him the name above every name, etc.
Will he honor this congregation if you have the mind of Christ? Absolutely. 1 Pet. 5:6
Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and he will lift you up in due time. How will the Lord honor the church? He will give them God’s man and when he does you need to be. I beseech you to continue to operate with the mind of Jesus. Will you? Not just part of you, but all of you. In the church at Philippi, there was a sweet spirit; except for two women, Eodias, Mrs. Fragrance, and Syntche, Mrs. Fortunate, were quarreling with one another. Paul begged them in 4:2 to quit fussing and get right with the Lord and one another.
Invitation: I am compelled now to extend an invitation:
First, to those in the congregation who can’t help the church until they repent, turn from their sins, and surrender to Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Secondly, if you have done so, will you come and kneel if possible, saying Lord “I will deny myself, I will serve, not ask to be served, I will sacrifice, I will submit to you and those in authority over me.
Conclusion: Listen carefully: You are either a part of the Solution of securing a pastor or part of the problem. If lost, you cannot help the church until you truly repent and surrender to Jesus as Lord and Savior. Or if you are fussing and hating someone in your heart. And you will be a part of the Solution if you today will say “Lord, by your grace I am going to have tour mind: I will deny myself, I will serve, I will sacrifice, I will submit to your will.