A member of MMM came to me saying, “I am thinking about getting a divorce.” When I asked him why, he replied, “My wife and I are incompatible.” I tried to show him that “incompatibilities” were no grounds at all for divorce, and that “incompatibility” could be a great asset in marriage. But he refused to listen, divorced his wife, and I would describe his life today as an “Absolute Disaster.”
Some would say, “Well, from hearing you talk about your marriage, I thought you and Doris were perfectly compatible.” Are you kidding? Our common love for Jesus Christ and our desire to shepherd His people are compatibilities. But our “incompatibilities” are very real. I move like lightning; Doris moves like a turtle. I hate broccoli; Doris loves broccoli. My idea of a relaxed week end is a nice motel with room service surrounded by all kinds of people. Her idea is 25 miles back in the woods with no sound except that of frogs croaking. The truth is that no computer could ever have put us together. As incompatible as we are, we deeply love each other and adore our marriage after 57 years more than ever.
In fact, the differences which exist between Doris and me have been helpful for learning selflessness and becoming more like Christ. Our “incompatibilities” have allowed us to serve and complete one another. In a word, I humbly and gratefully say that we have both changed for the better because we were so different.
Brothers, are you and your spouse incompatible? If so, PTL. Had you ever thought: If you and your wife were exactly alike, you could not help each other. Also have you ever thought that if you and your wife were alike, one of you would not be necessary? He who has an ear let him hear what I am saying.