The great truths of God’s Word are (a) Verbalized – described in words, and (b) then visualized in life. For ex: (a) God’s word talks about intimacy with God, but it does more (b) it describes a person who found intimacy with God. His name is Enoch. There are only four brief references to Enoch, what we would call “sound bites,” but these “sound bites” enable us to see intimacy in action. There are five simple statements, which I wish to observe about Enoch:
- Enoch walked with God – Gen. 5:22 simply says “Enoch walked with God.” What does that mean? Was it a literal daily stroll Enoch had with God? No. Walk means Enoch’s life style was one of constant fellowship, communication with, obedience to the living God. Now in this little sentence “Enoch walked with God” there are 3 great truths about Enoch’s lifestyle:
- The time of Enoch’s walk – Gen. 5:22 says Enoch lived 65 years and became the father of Enoch, Then Enoch walked with God. Amazing isn’t it? God used a son to make a son. A word of challenge to all parents who seek intimacy: look for it in your children.
- The Theology of his walk – Surely Enoch had aligned himself with the ways of God. His beliefs and that of God were the same. He and God were on the same page.
- The Tenacity of his walk – Gen 5:22 – Enoch walked with God 300 years. Consistent, persistent, faithful. Imagine what a life of 300 years must have entailed. The thrills also the tragedies Enoch must have endured in such a lengthy time. No matter what, Enoch walked with God every step of the way.
- Enoch Pleased God – In Heb.11 Enoch is in the roll call of faith. Heb. 11:5 say he was chosen because “he was pleasing to God.” It is not said Enoch pleased his family, his church, his denomination, neighbors, and etc., but God. He obtained this witness that he pleased God. All who knew him knew he pleased God. And please note that he got this reputation before he was taken to heaven – he got this accolade during this lifetime. How did Enoch please God? By faith. Walking with God is the evidence of faith. A faith that pleases God is a faith that walks with God. And what was the nature of his faith? Heb. 11:6 tells us, “Without such faith it is not possible for anyone to “walk with God” or “please Him.” He believed God to be what the Bible says and that he would reward those who diligently seek him. What Heb. Calls pleasing God, Gen. Calls it walking with God.
- Enoch was used by God – Illus: “Make yourself usable and He will wear you out.” Enoch had made himself usable and God wore him out. Did you know Enoch was a great prophet, the first person to prophesy the Second Coming. This is revealed in Jude 1:14-15. His sermon is only 48 words long, and in this sermon Enoch warned that Jesus was coming with thousands of his saints and that ungodly men would stand before the Judge on that day. The words of Enoch were the words of God because Enoch walked with God. Pastor, when you stand to deliver your next message, would you be able to say that words falling from your lips correspond to the heartbeat of God?
- Enoch was taken by God – Heb. 11:5 “by faith Enoch was taken up so that he would not see death.” Gen. 5:24 says, “Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” Sounds short, but isn’t it sweet? Enoch went out to walk with God one day, as he did every day. They enjoyed each other’s company as always. Enoch pleased God. God was Enoch’s greatest pleasure. Faith from God displayed by Enoch as faith for God resulted in intimacy with God. Moreover, before they knew it, they had walked farther down this road of faith than Enoch had ever been. With a smile on His face. God said, “Enoch, you’ve been
walking with me for 300 years now. You are closer to my heart than you are to your house. Why don’t you just come on home with me?” And Enoch walked with God right into the everlasting presence of God. That was the reward of Hebrews 11:6. LIFE! The faith of Enoch that sought God (Hebrews 11:6) was the faith that found God! The reward
of a faith that pleases God is life! The road traveled by those who walk with God dead-ends in life! The intimacy Enoch found with God was rewarded by life eternal. This walk of faith would be similar to what John Piper calls, “Living by faith in future grace.” The walk of faith that pleases God is overcome by the floodgates of life gushing forth from the heart of God - Enoch found ultimate intimacy with God.
Application: Is it possible for a child of God today to have the intimacy Enoch had? YES, YES, Yes.!
Remember these truths from Enoch:
- With Enoch there was a start, a birth, a first step. We know it took place at the birth of Math.
- That the birth or beginning did take place it was seen in the way Enoch lived.
- Also it was evidenced by the fact that he did not begin to walk and turn back, but he endured to the end.
Millions have no more assurance of salvation than that they walked down some aisle, were baptized or added on some church roll. The question is, “Did you drink from the fountain of Life?” Were you made a new creation? Were you on the same page with God? “Walking with God is a way of life, not a mere one time experience of a once-a-week duty call.” Let me caution you with one word: You have to crawl before you can walk. I was saved many years before I learned fully to walk with the Lord. You do begin walking with God when born again, then you continue walking, and you walk with him to the last step. Faith gets you going, faith keeps you going and sends you into the final step of the journey.
And what is the source of Faith? “Faith comes from hearing….” So Grab the Word of God and Internalize it.
Know it in your head – by reading it constantly
Stow it in your heart – by memory and meditation
Show it in your life – by obeying it
Sow it in your world – by witnessing
And you will find yourself walking with God until one day you will walk into His very presence, world without end. PTL.