Illus: A young man came to me when I was pastor, requesting that I baptize him but only in the Name of Jesus. I asked him why he did not want the Name of the Father, and Holy Spirit mentioned. He replied, “Because the Bible says we are to be baptized only in the Name of Jesus.” I replied, “But Jesus Himself commanded that we baptize in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Then I asked this man, “Did not the Father and Holy Spirit have a part in y our salvation?” He did not think so, then I explained to Him that it took the three persons of the Trinity to save any person. Now where is that found in the Bible? In the first chapter of Ephesians. Let us now observe how this takes place.
- God the Father THOUGHT our salvation in eternity past – even before our birth.
- He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world.
- He adopted us as His Sons, making us as “joint heirs with His Son, Jesus.”
- He accepted us in the Beloved.
But did salvation stop with this? No, notice.
- God the Son BOUGHT our salvation through His cross and resurrection – in time.
- He redeemed us by His blood – v. 7
- He revealed God’s will for us – v. 8-10
Did this complete salvation – just the work of the Father and the Son. No, let us note:
- He sealed us, which means He is in us, indwells us, is a part of us, has stamped us as His very own. “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:” (Romans 8:16).
- The Holy Spirit secures us for all eternity – “Sealed unto the day of redemption.” (V. 14).
Illus: The Holy Spirit is our down payment until the whole package of salvation is delivered to us at the resurrection.