“Salvation is the most important gift you will ever receive. In it, you find new life. Baptism is an important step of obedience because through it you openly, publicly, and unashamedly identify yourself with the new life. Yet, after salvation and baptism, there is still much more that God wants you to have. He wants you to incorporate your new life into His church, the collective body of believers. This is accomplished by uniting with the fellowship and work of a local church.
What Is the Church?
The Greek word for church, used in the New Testament, is ekklesia, which means “the called out ones” or “the assembly.” The word is used in the New Testament in two ways. First, it is used to speak of individual local congregations (1 Cor. 1:2). Second, it is used to speak of all Christians in the world who form the church universal (Matthew 16:18).
The universal church, or the whole of all saved people, is the body which you joined automatically when you got saved. You became a member of God’s family. You were baptized into this body by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13). All Christians everywhere instantly became your brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Isn’t that great? Welcome to the family!
Now, you need to join a local church family. Of course, this is a decision which you must make as it pertains to which church and which denomination. If you are to grow as a Christian, you must involve yourself in a local church. For your growth as a Christian, church membership is not an option.
Why Join a Church and Attend?
As a Christian – especially if you are a new Christian – you have many needs. God established the church to meet the basic needs you have. This section will tell you some of the reasons why you need the church.
First, our loving heavenly Father commands that we join the fellowship of a church and in the New Testament we never see a solitary member. He is always with God’s people (Hebrews 10:25; Acts 2:47; 4:23; Luke 4:16).
Second, you need fellowship with other Christians (1 John 1:3). A saved person needs the encouragement and companionship of others who are also Christians. To deny yourself of Christian fellowship is to suffer spiritually. It is hard to grow in the world unless you have a church where you can have positive Christian fellowship and influence.
Third, you need to identify publicly with the family of God (Acts 2:41-42). By joining and attending a church, you are telling those around you that you are a Christian and a disciple of the Lord Jesus. It serves as a witness and an example to others. It allows them to see who you are and what Christ has done for you.
Fourth, you need the worship experiences that the church provides. One of the purposes of the church is to worship God through music, praise, petition, and preaching. The church is unique in that it offers this unique opportunity in one setting.
Fifth, you need the church because of its education ministry. The church offers many opportunities to learn the Bible, how to grow as Christians, and many other things which pertain to the Christian life. You can learn from the wealth of knowledge possessed by many mature and wise Christian people.
Sixth, you need the opportunities of service that the church provides. As a Christian, you will never be totally satisfied until you are serving God to your fullest potential. In the church, you can serve by being a soul winner, choir member, teacher, usher, prayer partner, deacon or a host of other things.
Seventh, you need the ministry that a church provides. In your life, you will face many times of crisis. You need a group of people who will support you, pray for you, and encourage you. Also, you need the constant ministry of being loved and genuinely cared for. The church provides these things as does no other institution.
Eighth, you need the spiritual direction that the pastor provides. The pastor is a man who is called by God to lead a church and its people. He will help bring spiritual direction to your life and instruct you through his ministry of teaching and preaching the Word of God. He will serve as a counselor and as a special friend.
Ninth, you need the special place for your family that the church provides. The church is the place where you can bring your entire family and find special ministries for each member. The church is capable of ministering to infants, toddlers, children, youth, singles, and adults of all ages. It provides a place where you can be together, grow together, and worship God together.
Tenth, you need the recreation a church provides. Your church will offer activities such as sports leagues, picnics, banquets, special trips, and many others. It is a place where you can enjoy quality recreation with fine Christian friends.
Eleventh, the church provides you with the necessary resources to share your faith. It gives you a place to bring your lost friends to hear the wonderful gospel. The church can train you to witness to others through special outreach programs.
Twelfth, and finally, the church gives you a place to give your tithes and offerings which will be used to spread the gospel in your city and across the world. Also you need a church where you can regularly celebrate the Lord’s Supper which must be done in fellowship of other Christians, not privately. Illus.; My neighbor became angry with his pastor and quit attending church. But knowing he needed to receive the Lord’s Supper, he went into his kitchen one Sunday, took a little piece of bread and juice and drank it and boasted to me that he had partaken of the Lord’s Supper. I had to explain to him what a grievous thing he had done in trying to serve the Lord’s Supper out of fellowship with his church.
How Do You Join a Church?
There is a number of ways to join a local church. Most denominations use the following ways of accepting new members. However, these may not be true for every church. After finding a church you want to join, you will want to ask one of its ministers how it receives new members.
First, you may become a part of a local church by professing your faith in Jesus and being baptized (Acts 2:41, 47).
Second, you may join by statement of faith. This means you have already made a profession of faith and have been baptized in another church of like faith and order.
Third, you may join by transferring your letter from another church. This simply means the church of which you are presently a member will remove you from its rolls and recommend you to be enrolled into the membership of the other church.
How to Find the Right Church
This is a very important decision. Finding the right church isn’t always easy and may take some searching; but pay the price. It will take time and prayer, but the right church is out there for you. Most of them may not be quite right, but certainly there is one that will meet your needs. You should use the following criteria in finding a new church.
First, does the church believe and preach the Bible as the inerrant Word of God? You may be surprised to hear that many do not. They may use the Bible and yet deny its significance. Many churches place tradition and experience above the Bible or equal to it. Beware, because this is not a good practice. The Bible is the authoritative “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Word of God about God, man, the Christian life and all essential truths which pertain to the spiritual and eternal. The Bible is God talking to us personally and must be preached and taught in the church (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 4:1-5).
Second, does the pastor of the church fulfill his role adequately? The Pastor should genuinely love the people and seek to be the shepherd of that local flock. He must place himself under the direct authority of God and lead the church as God instructs him to. He should practice what he preaches and be a man who is above reproach. He should be a godly man who is able to lead you to Christian maturity. But, there is one word of warning. Do not look for a perfect man. There is no perfect pastor, and to search for one is as hopeless as the search for a perfect church. Yet, there is a pastor who is just right for you.
Third, does the church have a vision to grow and reach lost souls for Christ? Our Lord gave us the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), but unfortunately, many churches are failing to obey Him. You need to find an evangelistic church which is ever seeking to find the lost and win them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Fourth, does the church have a good program for educating you and your family in the faith? A church is a place to grow as a Christian. You should be a part of a church which can instruct you and mature you in your Christian walk. The church should have a good Sunday School with classes for everyone in your family, as well as other educational ministries.
Fifth, does the church have special ministries for you? A church should be able to provide evangelism training, prayer meetings, special programs on the home and finances, social occasions and other ministries for your enjoyment and enrichment.
Sixth, does the church provide you with opportunities to serve? You need a church in which you are not only receiving ministry, but also doing ministry. A church that is doing much of anything will have a job for you. Make sure you can become actively involved in the ministry of the church.
Seventh, does the church have a “Vision” – a Divine Blueprint – under which it is marching? Remember Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.
These guidelines will help you but they are in no way exhaustive. You may have some expectations and qualification of your own. Make sure you take a good look at the church and pray for God’s wisdom and leadership. Don’t seek a church to satisfy your selfishness. Find a church, first of all, where you can serve the Lord, and you will find a church that will serve you. Be assured that the right church is God’s provision for your spiritual growth.
By all means, join a church.”[1]
[1] Dr. Bill Bennett, The Book for Beginners, Wilmington, N. C.:New Hanover Printing and Publishing, pp. 12-15.