What is a University? The dictionary says a “University” is an institution of learning on the highest level.” Based on this definition, what is the Greatest University in the world? It is the Christian home because it is here that the highest values of life begin and where we learn our values, where the foundations of character are laid, and where our destiny is fixed.
What is the nature of this extraordinary University? Its nature is set forth in our text today (Deut. 6:1-9). This Scripture is called the “Shema” after the Hebrew verb which means to hear. (hearing means to hear and obey). The Shema sets forth how the Word was loved, taught and obeyed in the home. Jewish boys are required to memorize it as soon as they can speak (by about 18 months to two years). Jews attached a small container of Scripture called the Mezuzah, at the front door of their houses. Each person who entered the house touched the Mezuzah reverently each time he passed through the door (Psalm 121:8), signifying that the home was a sanctuary where the Word of God was loved, taught and obeyed.
- The University in The Home Must Have A President. A secular university without a president is impossible, so is the University of the Home. Who is the President? Congratulations, fathers, you are the President. Who qualifies? No mention is made of education or intellect. The only requirement mentioned is that you must love the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart (emotions), all your soul (your mind) and all your strength (your bodily actions). When you do this, you will find strength and inspiration to act as President of your University. Remember – others may have more education than you do, but nobody can love their kids better than their father.
- The University in the Home Must Have Professors, and congratulations again, Father, you are the main professor. Not the Sunday School teacher, elementary teacher, nor pastor but plain ole you. To teach you must be a faithful and authentic man of God. There are three kinds of teachers (parents) in the home: the faithful and the unfaithful, and phonies or hypocrites. The phonies are the parents who profess Christ and act religiously on Sunday – attend church, sing in the choir, hold office of deacon – but nullify all of that by the way they live in the home. Illus: A leading youth minister said to me some years ago, “The greatest hindrance I have in leading youth to serve Jesus is their hypocritical parents.” All history bears witness to this tragedy. Ex: 17 years ago a Jewish father said to his family, “We are leaving the synagogue and joining the Lutheran church.” His little son asked, “Why?” and his father replied, “I can make more business contacts there.” That son saw his father was a phony, and he went out and rebelled against all religion saying “Religion is the opiate of the people.” His Name: Karl Marx, the Father of Communism, which doctrine devastated much of the globe in the past and is still a major curse in our world. What are the prospects for our homes in America today? With mothers working and most fathers not functioning or “phonies,” America’s chief babysitter and teacher is the “ONE EYED MONSTER” (GOD) CALLED TV. When a drink is served on TV, nine out of 10 times it is alcohol, all sexual activity is outside the bonds of marriage or in the realm of animal morality, homo-sexuality, same sex marriage, etc. Is it any surprise that the masses of American youth have sunken into heathen morality? And who’s to blame? You decide.
- The University of the Home Must Have Pupils where do they come from? They are already present – our precious children, God’s greatest treasure, next to Jesus Himself (Psalm 127:3). Therefore they should be enrolled in the University the day they are born. Great RC Educator Xavier said, “Give me a child the first 7 years and I don’t care who has him after that.