Illustration: They tell a joke in Texas which isn’t funny or true. They ask the question, what is the difference in preachers and deacons? The answer: preachers are paid for being good. Deacons are good for nothing. Neither statement is true. Preachers are not paid for being good and deacons are not good for nothing, if they are true deacons.
What is the difference between preachers and deacons? According to God’s Word, they have almost the same qualifications and much the same responsibilities. I have never picked on deacons. I think you know that by now. Of my close friends, 3 or 4 are preachers, but I am sure I have 12 to 25 deacons who are close friends.
- The deacon of my dreams understands and lives out the meaning of his title. What is his title? He is a DEACON OR DIAKONOS, which means “servant” or literally “slave.” The word literally means “kicking up dust,” showing that he works so hard he kicks up dust making things happen – NOT KICKING UP SAND. When a deacon acts as a servant, he is a wonderful and honorable and valuable guy. When he feels he’s important and a controller, he is a problem. In fact, he ceases to be a deacon.
- The deacon of my dreams is a person who appreciates and appropriates daily the wonderful spirit-filled life. The first deacons had to be Spirit-filled (Acts 6:5). They still do. Ephesians 5:18 commands every Christian to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. This is absolutely imperative for the pastor and deacon.
- The deacon of my dreams is a practitioner and promoter of the five most vital ministries of his church:
- Internalization of God’s Word
- Know it in your head by diligent study.
- Stow it in your heart by memorization and meditation.
- Show it in your life by obeying its teachings.
- Sow it in your world through your witness.
- Prayer and fasting if God leads the church that way.
- Winning the lost
- Hilarious giving
- Faithfulness to his church – Is a man a real deacon if he attends the church just on Sunday mornings?
The deacon of my dreams is a person who is infectiously godly in every relationship:
- In his personal life – does not smoke, drink, curse, break the Lord’s Day
- In his home – he rules his family well (1 Timothy 3:12)
- In his business and social life, wherever he goes (Romans 12:2).
- Especially in deacon’s meetings.
- The deacon of my dreams will be a man who has great vision for the future of his church. This means two things:
- He will be a risk taker, not a caretaker. An agent of change, not a keeper of the status quo. He’ll not be afraid to spend some money if needed to accomplish God’s purposes.
- He WILL HELP HIS PASTOR STRUCTURE THE CHURCH FOR GROWTH, NOT CONTROL OR MAINTENANCE. Many of our Baptist churches are being killed by trying to live by rules and regulations and by-laws rather than following the Holy Spirit. And deacons are generally the moving force in this.
- The deacon of my dreams will discharge his primary biblical responsibilities:
- He will minister to the needs of the congregation (Acts 6:1-5).
- He will protect the unity of the church (Ephesians 4:3). Among other things, this would mean that the deacon would never, never undermine the leadership of his pastor and never criticize him publicly or privately to the people. If he has disagreement, he should meet with his pastor in privacy and confidentiality.
- He will guard the priorities of the pastor. Never forget that the office of deacon was instituted in the early church (Acts 6:4) to relieve the apostles {now pastors} of ministering to the flock so they could give themselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the Word. Deacons, your first responsibility is to see to it that your pastor has time to pray and study, so he will have a fresh Word to the people when he speaks. Unless he has that time, he cannot bring that Word to the people, meaning he will fail in his major responsibility, but most of all, he will fail his people. Be sure your pastor has a place to study, also provide him with a secretary who will keep him from having to do unnecessary chores. If you should see that your pastor is not bringing a powerful Word from the pulpit, you should meet with him and ask him how you can help him do so and be sincere and serious.
- The deacon of my dreams will have a great commitment to:
- The Great Commandment – Matthew 22:37
- The Great Commission – Matthew 28:19-20. A great commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will make a great church. The pastor and deacons must set the example before the people will do so.
What happens when a deacon serves as he should? 1 Timothy 3:13 says he will be greatly rewarded by the people. What if he fails? He should receive a rebuke from the people, indeed he should resign, and no longer pretend to be a deacon, which he is not, a true servant of Jesus, the people, the staff and pastor.
Charles Spurgeon is considered by many as being the most powerful preacher since the apostle Paul. What was his secret? While he preached, from 100 to 200 deacons were in a room immediately below the pulpit, pouring out their hearts in his behalf. Said Spurgeon, “I felt the power of God lifting me up physically from the pulpit as I preached.” No wonder he preached to 5000 people on Sunday morning and Sunday evening and a great crowd on Tuesdays.
I am absolutely convinced that the Deacon of My Dreams is none other than the deacon God Himself describes in His Word (Acts 6:1-7; 1 Tim. 3:8-13). Can you imagine what would happen in any Baptist church if the deacons were such men – appointed, anointed, and obedient to their responsibilities as declared by God?
Brother Deacon, you can be such a deacon if you will fully surrender to the Lordship of Jesus, for then you will possess His grace and power to do so. Will you who bear the honorable title of deacon be that kind of deacon?
(Preached by Dr. Bill Bennett who has had a close relationship with hundreds of deacons for 56 years, including 115 at one time in one church for 19 ½ years).