Any man worth his salt wants to be a success. But in reality the only person who can be a success must be a success God’s way. Many men think they are successful today, but from God’s view point, they are only “Successful Failures.” Jesus describes such a man in the 12th chapter of Luke. Interestingly this person was the only man whom Jesus ever called a fool. He was so successful that he could not find enough space to store up all his goods. Yet in Luke 12:20 Jesus said, “thou fool for tonight your soul will be required of thee.” Then Jesus went on to say that any person who lays up material treasure and is not “rich toward God” is a fool (Luke 12:21).
The question is, “When is a man successful in God’s eyes?” God describes the truly successful person in Psalm 1:1-3. “Blessed (meaning happy, fulfilled and contented) is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners and sitteth in the seat of the scornful. BUT his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in that law does he meditate day and night. And he shall be alike a tree planted by rivers of water, that bringeth forth fruit in his season; his leaf shall not wither, and whatsoever he shall do shall prosper.”
In this classic passage God says there are three marks of the TRULY SUCCESSFUL MAN:
Verse 1 says he does not live by the counsel of the ungodly. What is the counsel of the ungodly? The counsel of the ungodly says, “Get all you can get, sit on the lid and poison the rest.” Here is the man who has made money and material things the most important thing in his life. Such a man is not only unhappy, but is in financial bondage. Are you in financial bondage? Permit me to ask you a few questions. “Do you charge daily expenses?” If so you are in financial bondage. “Do you borrow to pay fixed expenses – food, gas, rent, etc.? If so you are in financial bondage. “Do you make new loans to pay off old loans?” Then you are in financial bondage. Do you tithe? If not, you are in financial bondage. Do you and your wife ever argue over money? Then you are in financial bondage.
Illus: There was a perfect marriage, but for ONE FEMINE FLAW. He was FAST ON THE DEPOSIT; she was quicker on the draw.”
Illus: The worst kind of financial bondage comes to those who make a lot of money. Does it take money to make you happy? If yes, you are in financial bondage. Do you worry over your money? Then, you are in financial bondage.
Verse 2 says of the successful man, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in that law does he meditate day and night.” “Delight” means “supreme joy, the thing of the greatest importance.” Can you say this of the Word of God? How much time do you spend in the Word? How many verses can you quote? You are to be so saturated with it that you will meditate on it day and night and won’t even let it depart from your mouth.
- You must KNOW IT in your head by diligent study.
- You must STOW IT in your heart by memorization and meditation.
- You must SHOW IT in your life by obeying it’s teaching.
- You must SOW it in the world by your lives.
You must obey it or it is of no value at all. Illus. I read of an American who went to England and saw his first microscope. He bought one and brought it home. One night he decided he would look at the food he was eating, and he discovered many little creatures on his food. He loved the food so much that he wanted to keep eating it. So he smashed the microscope. This is what we do when we read the Word, see it’s demands, and refuse to obey it (James 1:22-24).
Verse 3, “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters, who bringeth forth fruit in season, his leaf shall not wither and whatsoever he does shall prosper.” Illus.: I have three pine trees in my front yard. They are green the year around. They bear pine cones. How? The roots of those trees go far beneath the surface and draw nourishment from the moisture and soil. The truly successful man is like an evergreen tree. He is ever fresh, excited, alive and motivated. Why? Because he is drawing nourishment from the living Word of God and the Holy Spirit in His life.
Illus.: Job was a rich and successful man. Why? Job. 23:12 says Job loved God’s Word more than his daily food. David was the greatest King of Israel. Why? Psalm 119:103 says God’s Word was sweeter than honey to David. Jeremiah was a great prophet. Why? Jeremiah 15:16 says, “The Word was found and I did eat it and it became the joy and rejoicing of my life.” Jesus said ,”Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (Luke 11:28).
Closing Illus: I read that a man was holding up a bank. He passed a note to the teller and said “Fill up the bag. This is a hold-up.” The teller pushed him a note which read “Straighten up your tie. They are taking your picture.”
Men, God is taking a picture of our hearts today. Does He see a happy, contented, fulfilled person? This is God’s will for you. Don’t be a fool. Be wise. Be Successful God’s way.