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- Hebrews 10:24-25
- Matthew 28:18-20
LIFE APPLICATION QUESTIONSHere is our list from this week’s lesson related to spiritual growth: admonish (warn), instruct, teach, comfort, encourage (come alongside), edify (build up), consider, spur, confess (repentance implied), pray, rebuke, correct, train in righteousness.
All of these are “one anothering”.
All of these are manifestations of love.
All of these are coming alongside.
All of these are connected to the Word.
All of these are connected to and in part define discipleship.
- Of these listed above: which of these do you feel that you excel at? Why?
- Of these listed above: which of these do you feel that you struggle with? Why?
- How do you feel that you are doing when it comes to “considering” one another in order to spur them forward into spiritual growth?
- How do you feel that you are doing at receiving this “spurring” from other believers?