- Just suppose I inherited 100,000 dollars this week and I sent out an email to 100 students on roll, saying if they would attend today I would give them a check for $1000. How many would have shown up? Do you think many would have said, “I just can’t lose sleep and I just don’t feel like it. Another time but not now.” HA.
- Just suppose I sent out an email to everyone, stating that I would teach them how to pray, how many would show up? Just look around.
- Which is more important, $1000 or knowing how to pray?
- Do you realize that PRAYER IS SO IMPORTANT THAT:
- The Apostles asked Jesus for ONLY ONE THING, “Lord, teach us to Pray,” not how to heal or raise the dead (Luke 11:1).
- Prayer is so important that God does not merely command that we pray, but He promises to give us both the WILL (DESIRE) AND POWER TO PRAY (Phil. 2:12-13).
- Prayer is so important that He commands each of us to PROVOKE OUR BROTHER TO PRAY: Listen to these words (turn to them) “Let us consider one another to provoke them to do “good works.” There is no greater work in the kingdom of God than prayer and no greater service I can render than to PROVOKE you to pray.
SO TODAY I AM GOING TO OBEY 10:24 and tell you how to have a meaningful time with the Father in Prayer: (Provoke you, I hope).
(1). First, make an “Advance Decision that you are going to pray daily.”
(2). Follow some definite guidelines to enable you to do this:
- Set a SPECIAL TIME. Must not leaving prayer to your feeling, time or convenience. In this crazy world, you must make time. When you work this out according to your situation, I recommend before day.
- Not only a Special Time, but a Special Place.
- Not only a Special Time and Place
- But Sufficient Time,
- Not only a Special Time, Place, Sufficient Time
- But a Special Plan – Game Plan
- Not only Special Time, etc, but Special Book
But if you follow all the guidelines, you will not succeed unless you have a SPECIAL SPIRIT – the Spirit of Humility.
- What is Humility? Not just putting God first, other second and yourself third, but not thinking of yourself at all. MARK THIS DOWN: IF YOU THINK YOU ARE HUMBLE, YOU ARE NOT. Illus: Man who wore humility metal.
- WHO IS TEMPTED TO BE PRIDEFUL? Everyone, but especially we who have learned a lot. And the Bible especially singles out the young believers – 1 Tim. 3:6
- Finally, you must have a Hunger for God, and a Hunger for God is a Hunger to Pray.
- How do we get this hunger? Internalize the Word, Learn how to pray, read about great prayer warriors, listen to your fellow mentorees.