Millions Have Dropped Out of The Political Process for The Following Reasons:
- Many see Politics as “Dirty.” Politics is the science of government which is not corrupt in its essence but only the persons involved. That is the greater reason for Christians to be involved.
- Many see involvement as bowing to the “Social Gospel.” They say, “We dare not substitute culture for Calvary.” But isn’t Calvary for the culture?
- Some have given up hope, saying “My vote will not change anything,” when in fact one vote has changed everything.
- An increasing number of persons are intimidated by:
- The Media- 90% of whom are liberal.
- The ACLU – Has bluffed the public into thinking that Christians have no right because of the “Separation of Church and State.”
- 300,000 Silent Pulpits.
- A good number of Christians cop out and content themselves by saying, “God will determine who is elected President, so it does not matter what I do.”
- Millions are ignorant of the teachings of the Bible and really believe the Bible says, “Politics is dirty, so keep out.” Ex.: The Anabaptists of the 16th century England. Jehovah Witnesses. Great Tennis player Serena Williams told reporters she loved Obama but she could not vote because “Jehovah Witnesses do not get involved in politics.”
- Many deny the “cultural” mandate that we are to take dominion over the earth under the Old Covenant (Genesis 1:26) and to be “THE SALT OF THE EARTH” (not just the church, etc) and “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD” under the New Covenant. (Matthew 5:13, 14-16). The Greek meaning of these verses is, “You and You alone (Christian Citizens) are the Salt and the Light.”
- Many fail to recognize that government is ordained by God for human kind and to disobey its laws is to disobey God (Romans 13:1-7).
- Many professing Christians in the last days are so Luke-warm, plain lazy, and sound asleep while America hastens to hell (Rev. 3:16ff).
All the above arguments simply deny our responsibilities as Christian citizens of the State when in fact the Bible instructs us not only to be good citizens but the Best Citizens. Who are they?
- The Best Citizens Grasp the Biblical Teaching that government is ordained by God, that the officers of civil government are the “ministers” of God, and to disobey them is equal to disobeying God. (Romans 13:1-7). This does not mean that God favors the ungodly rule of tyrants, dictators, Assads, etc, but it does mean “As God changes the times and seasons, He removes kings and raises up kings.” (Daniel 2:21). Jesus said to Pilate, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given to you from above (John 19:11).
- The Best Christian Citizens Are “THE SALT OF THE EARTH AND THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD” (Matt. 5:13, 14-16). Tragedy of all tragedies when the “Salt” loses its power and professing saints are “good for nothing” in the eyes of the world. Ex. When I preached on “Good for Nothing Saints” and Dr. _______moved his letter immediately.
- The Best Christian Citizens pray for kings and ALL who are in authority that they might lead a quiet and peaceable life” and hopefully turn to Jesus and are saved (1 Tim. 2:1-4).
- The Best Christian Citizens LIVE OUT BIBLICAL STANDARDS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and endeavor to be proactive in enacting such standards in Public Policy. He believes “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prov. 144:34).
- The Best Christian Citizens Ask Some Questions about the candidates before voting:
- Does this person give evidence of being born again, as the gentlemen running for Lt. Governor did last week?
- Does this person uphold the biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman?
- Does this person defend the right of life to the unborn, the sick, and the elderly?
- Does this person work for the good of the next generation or by “hook or crook” promote his own re-election?
- Does this person possess the first real mark of personal integrity: A great marriage and family based on biblical principles?
- The Best Christian Citizens Recognize That Their Allegiance is not primarily to the Republican or Democratic Party but to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
- The Best Christian Citizens Will Run for Office if he sees a place where Christian leadership is needed and God leads.
- The Best Christian Citizens Will Serve in The Military if needed and recognize the “exceptionalism” of America is worth defending
- The Best Christian Citizens Live by The Following 8 Resolutions:
- I resolve to learn the history of my country
- I resolve to judge candidates for public office by their past activities, not their present promises.
- I resolve to vote for principle, not party, for morals, not money.
- I resolve to commend officers when they do good things for our nation and reprimand them when they do bad things.
- I resolve to pray without ceasing for all those in authority, realizing that my prayers may turn them to God and salvation. 1 Tim. 2:1-2, 4
- I resolve to trust the sovereignty of God to bring revival to America in this dark hour as He has done in the past. Ps. 85:6
- I resolve to obey God’s promise and command in 2 Chr. 7:14 which will bring revival to America.
- I resolve not to play the “blame game,” but live under the constant conviction that I am a part of the solution to America’s problems or a part of the problem – no neutrality possible.