Every normal person on the planet is either in some form of Sexual Bondage or living in SEXUAL FREEDOM.
Where Does Freedom Come From? Jesus died, rose again, and sent the Holy Spirit into our lives (Romans 8:9b) that we might be delivered from all sin but especially sexual sin because it is the most destructive of all. Prov. 6:32-33; 1 Cor. 6:15-20. What action must we take to appropriate this glorious victory?
- We Must Renounce Satan’s Lie that Sexual Sin will give us the abundant life and see sin as God does: the GREAT DESTROYER of life, indeed it leads to death in the now and forever (Romans 6:23; Ephesians 1:1-3; Romans 1:18-33). Therefore, we must REPENT. “Many people (most people) never experience Sexual freedom because they have never changed their mind about that sin.” They know that church says not to do it. They know their wife might be mad, but they rationalize that it is really harmless if they can keep it secret and so they kid themselves and “secretly” (ha) let it stay. Sexual sin is like sleeping with a Rattle Snake, or holding a Live Grenade, ready to go off and destroy you. Even before the coming of the holy, Holy, Spirit, God pronounces sexual sin as the “Destroyer of the Soul,” and the person who does it as a “FOOL.” (Prov. 6:31-32).
Therefore, we must TOTALLY REPENT, which raises the question, exactly what is Repentance? It consists of three things:
(1) Repentance is a change
(2) A total change, and
(3) A Continual change.
- Thus repentance is first of all, repentance unto salvation and results in receiving the “Gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38). Until one takes this step, under the call of the Holy Spirit, he is still in his sins. Illus: Last evening, I asked a guy if he had a relationship with Jesus and had he been born again. He replied, “I guess so, but not recently.” Then he said he had been confirmed, and was a member of a Presbyterian church. Alas, multitudes are in this condition, which means they are still dominated by the flesh which un-crucified leads to some form of sexual sin.
- If one’s repentance is real, it will not be a partial repentance, but a total repentance. Millions repent of their least enjoyable sins but cling to sexual immorality. Ex: It’s like one saying, “Lord I am turning over a new leaf and attending church, even tithing, but I am still sleeping with the wrong person.” Partial repentance is a form of witchcraft and idolatry (1 Samuel 15:22-23).
- We Must Continue to Be Delivered from Sexual Sin so it will not become a “Stronghold” over our lives. What is a stronghold? It is when we believe Satan’s lie Big Lie about Sex. That is, that Sex brings the Real Life like nothing else. When we believe that lie, we come into agreement of Satan, and we give him permission to work in our lives. Therefore, we must tear down Sexual Strongholds with spiritual weapons (2 Cor. 10:3-5), which simply means, “WE HAVE LINED UP OUR THINKING WITH GOD’S WORD.” “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” (Prov. 23:7). But what enables us to “think as God thinks and therefore live as God commands?
- Know the Word in your head by diligent study.
- Stow the Word in your heart by MEMORIZATION AND MEDITATION (Psalm 119:9,11)
- Show the Word by in your life by obeying its teaching,
- And, Sow the Word by sharing our witness.
2 Cor. 10:3-5, “…we live as human beings, but we do not wage war according to human standards for the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly (sarkika) but powerful (dunato) through God to the overthrow of strongholds (ochuromatou).
The Strongholds are a metaphor of what would be readily understandable to the Corinthians since Corinth, like most ancient cities, had a fortress on the top of a hill in which its residence could take refuge. “The formidable spiritual strongholds manned by the forces of hell can be demolished only by spiritual weapons wielded by godly believers – singularly the “sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17), since only the truth of God’s Word can defeat satanic falsehoods. This is the true spiritual warfare. Believers are not instructed in the New Testament to assault demons or Satan, but to assault error with the truth. That is the battle (cf. John 17:17; Heb. 4:12).”[1]
The Following Points Will Be Shared After the 4th:
- We Must Know Who We Are and What We Should Be Doing.
- We Must Create A Non-Negotiable Plan to Intentionally Pursue The Person of Christ.
- We Must “Cut Off” Any Sin, Says Jesus, Which Would Encourage Sexual Immorality. (Matthew 5:27-29).
- We Cannot Win The Battle Over Sexual Sin Alone.
- We Must Understand That Change Takes Time.
International Evangelist, Writer, Former Staff Member and Mentoree of BB, will fly from Moscow to speak in the Forum on Thursday, June 26th, Only and He will also speak to the Mentoring School on Friday, 5:45-7:00 AM, June 27th, Northside Baptist.
[1] John MacArthur, MacArthur Bible Commentary, pp. 1642-1643.