The message I must share today is the most unusual I ever recall. Why? Because I have been greatly burdened to share, not a condemning, but an encouraging fresh word with guys who may be caught in the terrible sin of sexual immorality. I cried unto Jesus for a fresh word and I humbly share it with you today: First, He told me to show Compassion, Courage, Clarity, Content, Confidentiality, Communication, and Comradeship and then the following:
- Sex Is a Precious Gift from God and evidence of His amazing love. God could have just called us into existence, but He shared with us incredible blessings and made us participants in the process: Pleasure, Protection and Reproduction.
- Sex Is The Gift of Intimacy with one perfect person for us. Ex: My wife Doris and I are very imperfect individuals, but she was the perfect wife for me, and I was the perfect husband for her.
- Sexual Intimacy Is Violated by 6 Kinds of Immorality:
- Fornication – sexual relations prior to marriage which destroys, except for the grace of God, your future marriage to someone.
- Adultery – sexual involvement with another not your wife which destroys the “one flesh” relationship and wipes out your marriage until the innocent party is free to marry again. In our marriage vows, we pledge total faithfulness to our spouse “until death do us part.” However, if we become unfaithful, there should be written on our foreheads these words, “Unmarried.” (See Prov. 6:32ff)
- All Forms of Sexual Perversion: Homo-sexuality, Lesbianism, Same-Sex Marriage, etc.
- Animalism – sexual immorality on steroids. Ex: Just this week a well known TV person married her dog.
- Pornography – equates to adultery according to Jesus (Mt. 5:28).
- Divorce – The experts on marriage tell us that most divorces are rooted in sexual sins.
- Monogamous Marriage Is Honorable (Gk. Timios) in all and “the marriage bed pure.” But “God will judge fornicators (sex before marriage) and adulterers” (extra-marital sex) (Heb. 13:4. God’s judgment is very obvious in modern life. Ex: the most miserable persons on this planet are those persons who are in bondage to continual sex sin. The more you drink salty water, the more thirsty you become, and the more you engage in illicit sex the more miserable you become. Illus: A 21 year old classmate in Duke University confessed, “I’ve committed every sexual sin in the book, and I am so miserable I want to die.”
- Sexual Sins, Though Destructive Beyond Words, are not “unpardonable sins.” Jesus died for sexual sins and forgives all those who admit their sin, confess it (say what God says about it) and forsakes it. “Whosoever covers his sin (especial sexual sins) shall not prosper, but whosoever confesses AND FORSAKES his sins shall find mercy (Prov. 28:13). Ex: David repented in sack clothes and ashes (See Psalm 32 and 51), was fully forgiven but he did not escape severe temporal punishment in the loss of his family.
- All Kinds of Sexual Violations, including homo-sexual acts, are listed in 1 Cor. 6:9-11 as existing in the Corinthian church, whose members repented and God’s Word gives this assurance to them, “And such were some of you, but you are WASHED, SANCTIFIED, AND JUSTIFIED IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS AND BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD.” (1 Cor. 6:11). Ex. Richard Harvester. However, continuing in sexual sin and refusing to repent, means that you are not “In the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9) and therefore lost. This fact is also clearly stated in Gal. 5:21 which declares, “they who do such things (sexual sins, etc) “shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.”
- THE CAUSE AND CURE FOR SEXUAL IMMORALITY. Human kind has an emptiness in his heart which can only be filled by intimacy with God. As Augustine wrote, “God has made us for Himself and we are restless until we find rest in Him.” Augustine wrote these words following a life of extreme sexual immorality. However, millions of persons on this earth sense that emptiness and instead of turning to God they turn to Sex which leaves them emptier than ever. Thus the Cure for Sexual Immorality is to experience Intimacy in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. No lost person can do this. As for the Christian, he must constantly seek the Presence of Jesus “with all his heart” (James 29:13), even after conversion, and God’s promise to him is this: “In thy presence is fullness of joy, and at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11).
- Admit your act as serious sin and first against God, your wife and self (Psalm 51:5; 1 Cor. 6:18).
- Break off all relations at once. Flee the relationship, or you will continue the sinful behavior.
- Repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness and accept His forgiveness as real.
- Seek close communion with the Lord, obey what He tells you to do and listen to your conscience.
- If involved in Adultery or fornication, your emotions are so involved that you may be unable to clearly discern guidance from the Scriptures so seek counsel from a mature brother.
- “Present your body to the Lord as a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God which is your logical service.” (Romans 12:1).
- “Reckon yourself to be dead” to sexual sin, for Jesus paid its penalty and broke its power on the cross. (Roman 6:11).
- Saturate your head and heart with the Word of God until you will be thinking the thoughts of God, not those of your sinful flesh. “Your Word have I stored in my heart in order that I may not sin (sexual sins in the context) against God (Psalm 119:11).
- Cultivate Comradeship with your brothers in MMM. Make yourself accountable to them continually. “7 days without mentoring makes one Weak.” Please contact us or we will contact you in obedience to Gal. 6:1.
- Be prepared to suffer, for it will take time for you to heal from your deep wounds of the soul.
- Being in love is not an adequate foundation for a successful marriage.
- “Like mother, like daughter, like Father, like son is not a myth.
- I am not marrying in a family is also a myth.
- You can solve disagreements without arguing.
- Apologizing is a sign of strength – not weakness.
- Forgiveness is not a feeling.
- Spirituality is not to be equated with “going to church.”
- A plan for handling your money is absolutely necessary.
- The most important thing a husband can do for his children is to love their mother.
- Incompatibility with your mate is a great sign that God has brought you together.
- The most important thing a couple can do to stay happily married is to pray with each other every day.
- Divorce is death without a funeral, and should be avoided at all costs because it costs you your life.