The New Module promises to be our “Finest Hour” in mentoring because of God’s growing favor upon Mentoring Men for the Master, Int’l. However, this advance will not be automatic. It will not even occur if you attend faithfully and yet live in the power of your flesh. To put it simply, mentoring is a supernatural work of God, and if attempted with our natural powers, it is a failure.
I congratulate each of you for enrolling to be mentored, and my utmost desire is that you, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, will complete the process and enjoy the incredible benefits that scores of guys are now experiencing and avoid the horrible defeat too many have experienced, simply because they refused to pay the price. I am, therefore, sharing with you seven things you must do to succeed in mentoring:
- You Must Be SAVED FROM SIN. Sin separates one from God, and no matter how religious you may be, if you have not been saved from sin, you are separated from God, controlled by the flesh and cannot possibly meet the requirements for mentoring. (Isaiah 59:1-3; Romans 8:7).
- You Should Not Primarily Believe in Jesus As Savior but Lord. Millions confess Jesus as their Savior and deny His lordship by actions (Titus 1:16). If Jesus is your Lord, He is your Savior; but if you deny Him as Lord, He cannot be your Savior (Luke 6:46).
- You Must Believe God (not just “in God”). Multitudes say they believe in God but possess no real faith in God. When one believes God, he believes His humanly impossible promises (Jeremiah 33:3; Prov. 3:5-6; Ephes. 3:20).
- You Must Be Dominated by A Supernatural Thankfulness. You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give. Therefore, when you are truly thankful, you will be wonderfully generous in the giving of your lives and your monies. Illus: “I give 60% of all I make to my church and am looking forward to giving even more.” (A gentleman making a profound difference in Wilmington) (1 Thess. 5:18; Luke 6:38).
- You Should Avoid “Sweating The Little Stuff.” It’s “little stuff” which keeps many people upset and dysfunctional. Ex: An elder in an independent church in Dallas left this church because a server in the dining room gave a child a bigger piece of ham than himself. Ex: A guy told me he left his church because the pastor did not shake his hand one morning. Ex: The pastor didn’t like the flowers I bought. Ex: I left the church because the pastor said there were other translations in addition to the King James.
- You Should Live on Purpose – (Acts 20:24; Phil.3:3; Luke 9:51). “When time drew near for Jesus to return to heaven, He set His face to go to Jerusalem (to the cross) with an iron will.” (Luke 9:51).
- You Should Be Filled (Controlled) by The Holy Spirit- (Ephesians 5:18; Gal. 5:16). You will be controlled when you obey Jesus in all He commands, and when you do this, Jesus will make Himself very, very real to you (John 14:21). What are the things which Jesus commands? The 10 “I’s”