Millions of persons – perhaps most- are not lost because they rejected Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior but because they were deceived by Satan in following a “religious” plan of man which deceived them in believing they were saved but which kept them lost. Example: The Apostle Paul was the most religious man on earth, at one time, but he became the “most Saved” person on earth if that were possible when he discovered he was depending on man’s plan of salvation and turned to God’s way. Listen to Paul’s own testimony in Phil 3:4-11.
- “Circumcised the 8th day” – salvation by ritual –
- Modern Example – baptism, christening, walking aisle of the church, praying a prayer, Lord’s Supper.
- “Of the nation of Israel” – salvation by race. Paul thought that by being a Jew, he was saved.
- Modern Example – Born in America, part of a Christian family
- “A Hebrew of Hebrews” – Paul could trace his linage back to Abraham. Salvation is by relationship.
- Modern Example – Father and Grandfather were preachers, a good ole Baptist, Methodist, etc.
- “As to law a Pharisee” – Salvation is by rules. The Pharisees kept 613 rules; the word Pharisee means “the separated ones,” only 6000 qualified in Israel.
- “As to zeal, a persecutor of the church.” Salvation by rigorous defense against false cults.
- “Of the tribe of Benjamin” – Salvation is by rank.
- Modern Example – My family started this church. I am a charter member, etc.
- “As to righteousness which is in the law, found blameless.” Salvation is by my righteous acts.
- Modern Example – I go to church every Sunday, teach Sunday School, tithe, serve as a deacon, etc.
Having stated how thoroughly religious he was in seven ways, Paul discovered all of these things were as worthless as SKUBALA, a vulgar word, meaning “Manure” or literally “human excrement.” He, therefore, renounced all of them as religious garbage: “NOTHING IS AS WONDERFUL AS KNOWING CHRIST JESUS AS MY LORD AND SAVIOR. I HAVE GIVEN UP EVERYTHING ELSE AND COUNT THEM AS SKUBALA. I WANT NOTHING BUT JESUS AND TO KNOW I BELONG TO HIM.” (Phil. 3:7-9, CEV).
In these words Paul is testifying that he denounced all and religious ways upon which he was depending for salvation when he discovered genuine salvation through Jesus Christ. Please note three specific experiences of Paul:
- I Have Totally Surrendered All of Me to The Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus has credited to me His righteousness until I have the righteousness of God Himself – 2 Cor. 5:21.
- Jesus Christ Is All I Need.
- My Goal Is to Know Him More And More the longer I live until I am walking in the power of His resurrection even while in the flesh.
- I AM Willing To Suffer in Order To Conform To His Image.
- I Have Lost All My Religion And Gained Regeneration.