I am listing below some ministry ideas or Principles God has given me during the 56 long years of His ministry through me – ideas which He has blessed. I believe these ideas, to a large degree, account for the extraordinary blessings He has bestowed upon me and His people through the years. I also believe He wants me to follow the principle laid down by Jesus when He said to His followers, “Freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). Thus I have shared them with my “sons” in the ministry, and when they have faithfully employed them they have witnessed enormous blessings. I believe these ministries are Scriptural and indispensable if the local church is to be the true body of Christ in the world. Of course, in some cases the pastor may need to adjust a few details such as the date of the meetings, procedures, and the timing of same, at the same time adhering to the Biblical purposes of these ministries.
- The Mission Saving Club – Giving to Missions 52 Sundays per year
- The Mammoth White Christmas Celebration – First Sunday of December.
- The Great Mission March – Climaxes “White Christmas” – every member of Sunday School or Small group, from the youngest to the oldest, marches down to the altar to deposit gift for Lottie Moon and small gift, wrapped in white, for the needy of the community.
- Mentoring Schools – required of all leadership
- Annual God and Country Celebration – Sunday prior to July 4th.
- Bereavement Sunday – Held the middle of December
- Pentecost Sunday – Held 50 days following Easter – to magnify the coming of the Holy Spirit into the hearts of every believer, showing His relevance as much as His birth (Christmas) and His resurrection (Easter).
- “High Touch” Sunday – Held each quarter to give special attention to the sick, discouraged, shut-ins, etc. On Sunday evenings as a rule.
- Memorial Cross – Every Easter – Those who have lost loved ones in death over the last year pin a memorial rose on the cross.
- Re-affirmation of Marriage Vows – Held near Valentine’s Day when couples repeat their marriage vows, following a message titled “Do you remember what you promised?”
- Friend’s Sunday – Everyone endeavors to bring at least one friend to the service, hopefully a lost or unchurched person. Doubles Sunday School or worship attendance and provides many prospects for evangelism or church membership.
- Great Commission Sunday – Kick off of Evangelism training school – January.
- EE School – Held throughout the Year. Led by pastor. Leadership and staff required to attend.
- WOW – Word on Wednesday – Interdenominational Bible Study, preceded by good lunch (half price). Twenty minutes teaching on relevant subject being discussed by media. Begins at 11:45 AM – ends 12:45 PM. Puts the church in contact with the power movers of the city, a tremendous “PR.”
- City-Wide, Interdenominational Prayer Meeting – held each Friday 6 to 7 AM – Attended by 100 plus every Friday.
- “Round Table” with the pastor. 5 to 8 leaders invited by pastor to meet for refreshments around special table, with each person introducing himself and pastor praying for any needs mentioned. Thursday afternoon 3 to5 PM.
- Christ-Exalting Scriptural Blended Music as commanded in Scripture (Eph. 5:19).
- Simple, Anointed Expository Preaching and Teaching of all the Bible without notes as the inerrant Word of God
- Experiential Infilling of the Holy Spirit.
- Ministries which build the Kingdom, not just one’s denomination and local church
- Excellence in all things – and to God be all the glory.