Regarding being nourished, cherished, and having their needs met, your wives said, “We need……….:”
- Feel significant that my opinion matters
- Security, protection, that someone is watching out for me
- Not afraid of being real and transparent
- Honesty with others and himself
- Truthfulness, trustworthy
- Godly man of the house – when I see that happening most fear & security issues become non-existent for me.
- Listened to – which means there is an acknowledgment/understanding of what I am saying. So often it is easy to speak on different wave lengths in passing as we each are focusing on what is most important to us at that moment.
- Thoughtful time – planned or spontaneous time to be together away from the ‘everyday’ – even if we are still sitting on the living room couch or at the dinner table after the kids have moved on to other things.
- Encouragement & support of my passions/ministries/identity while at the same time challenging me to grow.
- Quality time. Walks, long talks, Dancing, companionship hugs n stuff.
- Provide security, financially and sound judgment
- Know that he is there for medical issues
- Can count on him for his help and support
- Leads us in strong Biblical principles in our daily life
- Leads us in prayer daily
- Great listener
- Know what is important to me for the household
- Help clean, make repairs when needed and help with responsibilities around the house
- Spiritual leadership
- Agape love (unconditional)
- Total submission to God
- To make quality time with me
- To build me up
- To be the man that God has planned for him.
- I need him to grow closer to his Lord and Savior and look more like Him everyday.
- To feel loved in the same way that Christ loves the church
- To be the Godly leader of our home
- Security, financially, emotionally, physically
- To be patient with us.
- To know that I am important
- To know that my opinion matters
- I need him to listen
- I need him to ask about my feelings
- I need him to share his feelings
- To be honest
- Leadership as a man of the house, but also spiritually…. Ask us to have bible study (as a couple or with the family) take the initiative
- Support – especially with children
- I need security – financially, emotionally
- DATE NIGHT, set it up (plan and set up sitters) – show me that you care about our relationship
- Love on me/respect, stop and show me… notes or some type of gesture
- Even though I know he loves me, I need him to tell me
- I need him to take care of me when I am sick
- Hold me when I am sad
- Listen to me when I want to “vent” without trying to fix the “problem”
- Hold my hand when we walk
- I need affection that is not always intended to lead to sex
- Pray for and with me
- Share his feelings and frustrations with me
- Cry with me when we are both sad
- Put me second in his life only behind God
- Spend time with me
- Love our children
- Be my “Best Friend”
- Laugh with me often
- Support me in my decisions
- To be trusted in my judgment, especially regarding the children
- Financial stability
- To feel safe
- To feel secure
- To be able to talk to him without him trying to “fix it”
- To love and accept me as I am and not try to change me
- I need him to be reliable
- I need him to be trustworthy
- I need him to do what he says he will do
- To feel heard
- To know that my opinion matters