After an 8 year legislative battle, the citizens of North Carolina will have the opportunity to vote on a Constitutional Amendment preserving the institution of marriage as the union of One Man and One Woman.
Consider these facts:
- Same Sex Marriage has been achieved in 8 states only through the courts or by legislative action – never by a vote of the people. According to a February 2012 poll by the John W. Pope Civitas Institute, nearly two thirds of likely voters in North Carolina support protecting marriage in the State Constitution. (Family North Carolina, Spring 2012, p. 18).
- Marriage is the foundational institution for creating, sustaining, and raising the next generation.
- There is already a crisis of absentee fathers in this country. Why should government promote the legalization of relationships that would create more fatherless and motherless families?
- Deliberately conceiving a child with the life plan that he or she will never have a relationship with his or her father or mother is unjust and cruel to that child.
- Marriage should not be an institution for validating sexual preferences. The acceptance of same sex marriage would change the institution of marriage from a child/family institution to an adult/ self-centered institution.
- All citizens of North Carolina, homosexual and heterosexual, are respected and welcomed, and have the right to private commitment ceremonies as they choose. But they do not have the right to redefine marriage for everyone else.
- When marriage is no longer about a life-long commitment to family and children, it stops functioning to produce commitment to family and children and destroys the cohesion of an orderly, decent society, resulting in unprecedented confusion and disorder.
- God never showed His wisdom or displayed his love more to humanity than when He decreed that marriage be between One Man and One Woman for life. (Gen 2:24-25; Matt. 19:4-6; Heb. 13:4; Ephes. 4:31; Mal. 2:13-16)
- Our Loving Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus defined marriage once and for all as one man and one woman (Gen. 2:24; Matthew 19:4) Isn’t it unconscionable that any true believer would vote to redefine it as if God was mistaken. Would that not be rebellion on steroids and a huge sin against a holy God, marriage, the family, children and society? Think it over.
- Finally, if after reading the above, you are still in doubt on how to vote, lay it before the Lord in prayer and do what He says.
Note: I was moved to write the above after reading a disturbing article concerning Same-Sex Marriage- Family North Carolina, Spring 2012