How can anyone live in heaven prior to his death? Of course, no one can inhabit the place called heaven prior to death, but every true Christian can live a life that is heavenly. In Ephesians 1:3, Paul praised our Heavenly Father because He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. And in our text today, Heb. 10:19-25, God tells us how we can experience this heavenly life.
The Chicago Bulls lost all their games in the 1990’s because of the absence of Michael Jordan. Jordan returned to the Bulls, held a press conference, and spoke only two words: “I’M BACK”. This is what the resurrection of Jesus Christ means. He died, was buried, but He arose from the dead and now He says “I’m back”. Do you realize Jesus, in the person of the Holy Spirit, is present and as alive as He was when He walked the earth? It is our highest privilege to draw near and know Him gloriously. We are told how in our text – Heb. 10:19-25:
There are three imperatives in our text:
- Let us draw near to God (v. 22).
- Let us hold fast or firm the profession of our faith (hope) (v. 23).
- Let us provoke one another to love and good works (v. 24).
But before we can do these things, the writer tells us why (the grounds) we can do this (Heb. 10:19-21.)
First, we have ACCESS into the very presence of God. Note the words “to enter”. This means “Authorized Admission.” Illustration: Do you realize before the death of Christ, only one person on earth could enter into the presence of God – the High Priest. And he could enter only once a year and only by sprinkling blood on the mercy seat. If he had not done so, he would have died immediately. But when Jesus died the “veil of the temple” was rent and every priest lost his job. Now each and every believer is allowed to enter into the holiest place, and into the very presence of God. Our text says we may enter “by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way. The word “new” means “freshly slain”, referring to the death of Jesus on the cross. Under the Old Covenant, one entered only by the death of animals. Did any of you drag a dead sheep or goat to the altar recently?
Secondly, note the text speaks of our ATTITUDE. We are to enter “boldly”. This does not mean brashly or bravely. This word means “freedom to say all”. To bring every need to Him freely and confidently.
Thirdly, note the ADVOCATE v. 21. “We have a high priest over the House of God”. This high priest is Jesus who sits at the right hand of the Father.
These things being true for any Christian, each is invited to do three things:
- “Let us Draw near- let us keep drawing near. Near to what? To God. And near does not mean almost in His presence but not quite. No, it means to come into His very presence. Here is the Christian life: Drawing near. How? Through worship, prayer, Bible meditation, dependence upon the Holy Spirit (James 4;8). Illustration: The most wonderful part of my life today is the experience of “drawing near.” It takes, a hunger for God, a special place, and sufficient time.
- Having drawn near to God, we are able to do the 2nd thing, “let us hold fast or firm to our profession of faith without wavering”. Do you remember when you professed Christ in baptism, you were saying that you died to a life of sin, and had been raised by His power; He is your Savior and Lord, your Master and King. The question is: are you professing your faith by your life, your words, your attitude? And note that it says, “without wavering”, which means “not lying down.” Illus: Most Christians come to church “lying down” spiritually. They are pew potatoes. Illus: If saved you have the power of God, the fire of the Holy Spirit, on the inside. But fire must be fueled and fanned. This means we must keep drawing near, we must hold firm to our profession, or we will loose it and start drifting. There is no such thing as “marking time” in the Christian walk. Are you progressing or retrogressing, going forward or drifting?
- “Let us Provoke (stir) one another to love and good works”. When we have drawn near and held firm, we are in a position to build up others. Note that there is a (a) negative side to this – forsaking the assembly of yourselves together. Has it dawned on you that you can’t help others if you are not present?
Illus: Did you ever hear anyone say “I got out of the habit of going to church”. I have never heard anyone say, “I got out of the habit of going to work”. If so, your boss man would fire you. Nor have I heard anyone say “I got out of the habit of eating, or sleeping, etc.” But alas, there are millions who skip church much or all of the time.
Illus: I am an alumnus of Duke but I will never go to another ball game. Why? Because I have to park too far away and they want too much money from me. I don’t like the coach or the referees. And the games are too long. It is absolutely stupid the way people excuse their sin of missing church.
- But note the positive side, “Attend the church so you can encourage others, and especially in these latter days.
Question: What do you think would happen if every member of every church goes to church this Sunday with the definite purpose of encouraging someone else? One member says to another, “I am going to love and minister to others more than anyone else.” That member replies “No, I will outdo you in encouraging others.” What church you could have.
Illus: Suppose everyone said “I go to church not for what I can get out of it, but what I can give to others. You ask, “Am I not to get some blessings from the church?” Indeed, and the way you do that is to give your life away to Jesus and others, and you will be so blessed you cannot contain yourself.
Illus: I read of a preacher whose name was Lars. He got tired of people so he moved to Alaska, far away from anyone. He told the mail man to deliver his mail once a month and to place it on a stump. He told the grocery man the same thing. One day a 350 pound man came by, knocked on his door, and invited him to come to his home on Saturday afternoon. He explained that there would probably be some cursing, drinking and gun fire. But Lars said “well, I need the fellowship and I believe I should come.” Then he asked “Can I bring something?” The man replied, “Oh, no, that won’t be necessary; there won’t be anyone there but you and me”.
Conclusion: It is your highest privilege to live a heavenly life here on the earth. So wonderful that your life will be a blessing to all and you will be blessed abundantly and above measure. This is the way Christ lived and this is the Christian life today.
- Are you or will you draw near to God in Worship, Prayer, Bible meditation, etc.?
- Are you or will you hold firm the profession of your faith until the world will know you are alive?
- Will you be faithful to God’s church so you can encourage God’s people? When you do, you will be living in heaven before you die.