Illus: I had a Hebrew professor when I was studying for my doctorate that began the class with prayer like this, “Dear Lord, grant that we may this day live in the consciousness of your presence.” I searched the Scriptures to see if his prayer was scriptural and discovered it was, and I knew that His presence was certainly needed as we sought to master difficult Hebrew.
I read about Brother Lawrence, a cook in the 17th century French monastery, who gave the world a phrase “Practicing the presence of God.” As this humble monk washed dishes and served food to his brothers, he communed with God, and the glow of God’s presence gave his menial kitchen duties significance and joy.
IS IT POSSIBLE TO LIVE IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF GOD’S PRESENCE, literally “to practice His presence” at all times in our lives? In answer, let us note five relevant facts:
- God in the Garden with Adam and Eve. God created man and then “took him and put him in the Garden of Eden,” (Gen. 2:15) and later his wife Eve where they were in “God’s presence” (Gen. 8:8 until Adam and Eve “hid themselves from the presence of the Lord.”
- God’s presence in the Wilderness. To convince the Israelites that He was present with them He gave them a visible sign of His presence: “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud and by night a pillar of fire.” (Ex. 13:21).
- Assurance of the Prophets. “Keep silence before Me, O coastlands, And let the people renew their strength! Let them come near, then let them speak;
Let us come near together for judgment. For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’” (Isaiah 41:1,13). - David’s Promise – Psalm 16:11; 23:4
- The Promises of Jesus – Matthew 28:19; Heb. 13:5; John 14:21, 18.
- The Incarnation of the Son of God. “Immanuel – God with us.” (Matthew 1:23).
- God in Every Believer Following Pentecost – John 14:16.
- THE FUTURE PRESENCE OF GOD IN HEAVEN – “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.” (Rev. 21:1-3).
- You gain perpetual companionship. “No matter how many or how deep your friendships, however, at some point you begin to realize that human companionship is not enough. Even the best friends can’t be around all the time. They move away, fade away or die. They won’t show up. They don’t always understand what you are going through. They aren’t always faithful and dependable. In short, if you try to meet all your companionship needs through human beings, you are doomed to perpetual, unfulfilled yearnings.”[1]
- Supernatural Person – “Companionship is wonderful. Even more wonderful is realizing who your closest companion is – God Almighty, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, able to empower you to face anything that comes your way.”[2]
- David – Psalm 23:4 – Intimacy
- Joshua – Joshua 1:9 – Protection
- Increasing love for Jesus
- Increasing love for other humans, especially the lost. “The more time you spend with Christ, the more you begin to act like Him. People matter to Jesus, and what matters to Him matters to His followers.” [3] His concerns and compassion rob off on you. “You, too, can enjoy God, as He created you to do. You can feel His companionship, His capability, His compassion on an ever increasing basis. You can practice the presence of Him and in doing so join Him in accomplishing His mission in this world.”[4]
- PAYING THE PRICE. If we would live in His presence, we must pay the price.
- Develop a Pattern of Prayer. “Developing prayer fitness is similar to developing physical fitness: We must follow a pattern in order to stay balanced. Without a plan, we will fall into the “Please give me, please help me, take care of me trap.” I suggest the Pattern of ACTS:
- A – Adoration – it reminds us that we pray to adore the Giver more than to ask His gifts.
- C – Confession – to confess specifically – Confession means to name and see our sins as God does – homologeo (1 John 1:9) – and turn from them in true repentance (Isaiah 59:1-2). Many throw all their sins into one pile, “O Lord, forgive us of all our sins.” This is a colossal cop-out. Are you guilty?
- T – Thanksgiving – Don’t just “feel thankful,” but express it – 1 Thess. 5:17; Psalm 103:1-2. Give thanks before the answer. Phil. 4:6-7.
- S – Supplication – Nothing is too Big nor too little for God to handle. Illus: Man who being chased, prayed and God delivered but who let a mosquito run him crazy.
- Develop a Pattern of Prayer. “Developing prayer fitness is similar to developing physical fitness: We must follow a pattern in order to stay balanced. Without a plan, we will fall into the “Please give me, please help me, take care of me trap.” I suggest the Pattern of ACTS:
- Set a definite time
- Set a definite place.
[1] Bill Hybels, Too Busy Not to Pray, Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Books, 2008, p. 163
[2] Ibid. pp. 163-164.
[3] Ibid. p. 164
[4] Ibid. p. 167.