After Jesus arose from the dead, He met with individuals, small groups, and large crowds (1 Cor. 15:6), but He summoned only one person by name to meet Him – Simon Peter – Mark 15:7. Why? The Bible does not explicitly say, but I believe it was because we have much to learn from “Loud-Mouth Peter,” which the saga of his life cogently reveals as follows:
- He walked on the water first – Matthew 14:29.
- HE was the first to confess Jesus as the Messiah – Matthew 16:16-18.
- He vowed to Jesus’ face that he was “ready to go with Him to prison and death.” – Luke 22:23.
- At the same time Jesus warned that Satan would sift him as wheat (Luke 22:31), but Peter did not let that stop his prowess.
- Contrary to his pledge, Peter denied Jesus three times around a “fire of charcoals” and the cock crowed as Jesus had predicted- (verse 61).
- Peter was in hiding while Jesus was being crucified.
- However, he accompanied his buddy John to the empty tomb after His resurrection and saw the grave clothes – John 20:6-7.
- Later he saw Jesus with the rest of the disciples and heard Thomas’ astounding confession – John 20:28.
- EVEN THOUGH PETER HAD ALL THIS EXPOSURE TO JESUS, he decided to quit following Him for he evidently was overwhelmed with guilt and assumed he had “blown it.”
- He went back to his old ways of fishing – John 21:3.
- He took six other disciples with him – John 21:2-4.
- They fished all night but caught “NOTHING” until they obeyed Jesus and caught 153 fish. – John 21:3
- Jesus was seeking Peter, though Peter was running away from Him.
- Significantly he built a “charcoal fire,” cooked fish, and invited the disciples to breakfast. Why the “charcoal fire?”
- Peter had already jumped naked into the water to go to Jesus. Had he repented?
- All seven of the disciples ate breakfast prepared by Jesus.
- HOWEVER, THE PRIMARY PURPOSE FOR JESUS COMING was to meet Peter privately and restore him to fellowship and His ministry. How did He do it?
- He took Peter aside.
- He significantly called him “Simon.” Why?
- Jesus asked him three questions. Why three?
- His questions were, “Simon, do you agapao me, do you agapao me, do you phileo me? Peter answered, “Lord, you now I phileo He could not bring himself to say he was totally committed. Why?
- Jesus then commanded Peter, “Feed my lambs – your converts; “Shepherd my sheep – disciple them; and “Feed my sheep” – sanctify them by the Word – John 17:17.
- Then Jesus told Peter he would die by crucifixion.
- Peter responded, “How about John” who had been looking on? Jesus answered, “Don’t worry about John If he lives until I return, but you just “FOLLOW ME.”
- Did he?