The 1st command of Jesus to His first followers was “Follow Me.” (Mt. 4:19) The Apostle Peter reiterated this command (1 Peter 2:24). There is one area we must follow if we expect to succeed – the area of personal evangelism. Jesus was the Master Model of “one-to one” evangelism. We see the method of Jesus especially in His witness to the Samaritan woman in John 4. His example in this situation is worthy of our emulation. Let us note his approach:
- Jesus sought her out. Actually he positioned himself in a place where he knew they would meet. John 4:4 says “He must needs go through Samaria.” “must needs” expresses the heart of Jesus. Why did he need to go through Samaria?
- Simply because he knew there was a lost soul in Samaria.
- He knew he should confront her face to face
- He refused to let her race, sex, or background keep him from going where she was. No substitute for the personal approach:
Illus: Dr. EV Hill, pastor in Los Angeles, positions one family in each block to reach out to the lost and needy in that block.
Illus: Dr. Cho, pastor of world’s largest church, has divided Seoul, South Korea, into sections and over each section is a group of workers to meet everyone, seek the lost, bring them to church and to baptism.
Illus: Young man who wrote his sweetheart every day for he did not have time to visit.
- Jesus Showed Her the Way of Life. The woman said, “I know the Messiah is coming and will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. (25-26) Illus: Andrew first found Peter (that is visitation). He then brought him to Jesus (witnessing), and then he brought Him to Jesus (that is soul-winning). This is what Jesus did, and this is one example we should follow. No matter what else you do, if you fail to bring a soul to Jesus, nothing else really matters. Illus: A man returning from fishing was accosted by his neighbor, “Did you catch any fish. No, but we really influenced a lot of trout.” Most who call themselves witnesses stop short of bringing people to Jesus. Jesus did not. If we follow Him, there will be times we cannot bring people to Jesus. Jesus did not bring the Rich Young Ruler, etc. Paul did not bring Festus. But they did all they could. You and I must have that as our goal. Make no excuses. Seek to bring people to real repentance, then public confession and baptism.
- He spoke to her immediate needs and interests. First, he got her attention by asking her for something, “Give me to drink.” (4:7) A good way to make a friend is to ask someone to do something for you. Jesus knew this. Illus: Often I have eaten and drank, not because I desired it or even felt safe in many places, but never refuse because I use that in building bridge to heart of strangers. Secondly, Jesus offered this woman something. He offered her the gift of God – living water, eternal life, for her thirsty soul. (John 4:10-11) Jesus gently lifted her thoughts from the worldly to the spiritual. Jesus offered this disgraced woman a new life. He spoke to her internal rests and needs.
- Jesus Stirred Her Conscience. “Go call thy husband and come hither.” (4:16) Jesus was trying to get this woman to understand she had sinned and the wages of sin is death. First, she denied her guilt – “I have no husband.” v.17. Secondly, she kind of ridiculed him – “I perceive you are a prophet.” (v.19) Translated into modern lingo, “Oh, I know what you are – a preacher.” Thirdly, the woman tried to argue (v.20). But Jesus would not let her sidetrack Him. Illus: So often I have been witnessing and the person almost under conviction would interrupt, “One thing always bothered me – what will God do with those who have never heard.” Then I reply, “Well, I will be glad to discuss this with you someday, but now I want you to hear the good news about how to be saved and know God. I can come back later to talk about the heathen, and I proceed to witness.
- Finally, we note one more glorious truth in this story. This redeemed woman went forth to tell the good news herself and many believed also. The task of evangelism is never complete until the evangelized (saved) become evangelists (soul winners).
Jack Stanton used the first 4 points, but the discussion and illustrations are mine. I added the 5th point, which is a truth generally neglected but much needed.