Christians believe that Islam is a false religion, and Islam believes Christianity is false.
As Americans, we believe in the free exercise of religion, including Islam – but Islam does not believe this. The problem is that Christianity teaches the “Golden Rule,” but Islam does not. The Koran teaches that every Muslim is superior to every non-Muslim, also that men are superior to women. A Muslim may treat a Jew, a Christian, a Buddhist with respect, but they will never be considered equal. In fact they are dhimmis, a near slave status in Muslim teaching.
Thus Islam is incompatible with democracy and thereby the West. How can you have a democracy when half of all Muslim population is excluded from the political process because of gender? Or how can you have a democracy among non-equals? Either the West will cease to be West or Islam will cease to be Islam. But the two cannot blend together and remain what they are in both their beliefs and actions. The defining natures of Christianity and Islam are that each has almost nothing in common with the other. While both believe in monotheism, one God, their understanding of that God is so different that their concepts of deity are the greatest area of disunity.
Moreover, in Islam, the world is divided into two classes:
- The world of believers, dar al islam
- The world of unbelievers, dar al harb.
So Islam is not merely at war with the West; it is at war with the world. No authority is higher than the infallible divine law contained in the canon of the Koran. Sharia law, as it is called, trumps all other claims to divine law, all natural law, and all positive law. No Moslem, therefore, can be under any authority other than Sharia law. To do so would be to render oneself apostate and deserving of death. Reason itself is not permitted to inquire into the morality of the divine law. Thus the concepts of pluralism and tolerance are alien to Islam. There is absolutely no place for the reformer because to reform one must question, and no questions are allowed.
Look around you today and you will understand why it is perhaps impossible for the West to live peaceably with Islam. What do nearly all the problem spots around the world have in common today? What dominant Muslim country has anything approaching human rights?
Terrorism, violence, torture, genocide, gruesome murders and slavery come from mosques, universities, the streets of cities, and capitals through the world. Where are the condemnations of these incredible atrocities against the innocent persons around the globe? There are over one billion Muslims on this planet, and I have not heard or read of any condemnation by the Muslims of the horrible acts of their brothers. Indeed, the collective silence against these evils is deafening. But more than deafening – threatening and disturbing.
The loudest message we non- Muslims are hearing is “Convert to Islam, submit to dhimmitude or die.” (Zola Levitt Letter, May 2007, p. 28).
I understand that some Moslems are moderate. I would like to believe this is true. But if just one hundredth of one-percent are future Jidadists, that would mean there are still 100,000 killers, hoping to blow up a school bus, a wedding, a mosque, and fly a plane into a building. Make no mistake about it; we are at War with radicals, whose goal is to kill us without bother of conscience.
Question: What happens if we lose in Iraq?