God tells us that His Word is active, living, and operative, but this means nothing unless it is active, living and operative in you. When the Word is active in you, it will accomplish the purpose for which God sent it (Isaiah 55:10-11), The Amplified Bible expresses Hebrews 4:12 best, “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the [a]breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart
However, the Word of God does not become active unless we internalize it in our lives by:
- Knowing it in our heads by diligent study.
- By Stowing it in our hearts by memorization and meditation,
- By Showing it in our lives by obeying its teachings,
- And by Sowing it in our world by our witness. Many church goers read the Word, and hear it preached and taught regularly who never experience the Word becoming “active, living, operative” in their lives. What a shame, what a tragedy. Does this describe you?
How can we be sure that the Word is active, living, and exciting in our lives? May I suggest some things I do which may help you?
- Receive or approach your daily Bible reading like an athlete might eat an energy bar. Beth Moore, who has electrified women nation-wide with her insights into the Word, says she “receives her daily Bible reading like an athlete would eat an energy bar.”[1]
- Then memorize and meditate on what you have just read.
- Now you are ready to ask some questions about the passage:
Do I really believe these words? Practice with Proverbs 3:5-6 and Phil. 4:4-7.
And if I do, how does it show in my life?
Are there ways I might be able to act on the truth of these words?
How do these words apply to my present problems or challenges?
- You are now ready to ask the Holy Spirit to take those words and sow it into your heart, even your subconscious.
- Share, if possible, with your spouse, children, friend at work what you are experiencing in your soul.
- Go forth and count on the Scriptures in your morning Bible study to become active, energizing, and powerful in you that very day.
- If in the Wilmington area, please attend our mentoring school which meets each Friday and Saturday, 6 -7 AM, Middle/McDaniel Restaurant, 614 S. College, Wilmington, N. C. If you can’t, please call Dr. Bill Bennett, 910-470-5343.
- Victory Through the Word:
- Our ongoing relationship with God is through His Word, and that relationship is essential to the Christian’s victory.
- We cannot actively believe and trust God in our day-to-day challenges if the Word of God is not presently active in us.
- Victory which overcomes the Word comes through faith, faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ, and the best way to hear the Word is through internalizing the Word (Romans 10:17).
- God’s Word – our Only Defense against Assaults of Satan
- God’s Word is our Sword of the Spirit, that Word has to be wielded by us, and we cannot use the Word to defeat Satan unless the Word is active and living in us (Ephesians 6:17).
- Think of the millions of professing believers who are being daily assaulted and overcome by Satan because the Word that would defeat Satan is unknown to them, therefore, inactive and powerless.
THE TRUTH ABOUT INTERNALIZING GOD’S WORD IN A NUTSHELL: The primary reason that God’s Word can have such an effect on a believer’s daily life is its association with the Holy Spirit. In fact, when the “torch of God’s Word” is combined with the “Oil of the Holy Spirit,” the “consuming fire of our God blazes within us, bringing supernatural energy, glorious activity, and pure unadulterated power. If you like formulas, this is one I believe you can count on: The Spirit of truth (the Holy Spirit) plus the Word of truth (the Bible) equals Internal Combustion. Hallelujah!(adapted from Beth Moore)
Final Word: God says His Word is alive and powerful. He also says His Word is alive and powerful when it’s in me. Me – with all my weaknesses. Just think – my weakness is never strong enough to wound God’s Word. Neither is yours. God does His work through His Word. We don’t have to make Him. We just need to let Him – by internalizing His Word. Will you?
[1] Beth Moore, Believing God, B&H Publishing Group, p. 130