Please do not miss unless you are providentially hindered. This lesson will make the many lessons we shall consider understandable and profitable, but without which you will have much more information but no TRANSFORMATION. And God forbid, my dear busy friends, almost as busy as I am, I fear.
- Access my Forum lesson dated September 6th and 7th on my blog at
- You Must Personally RECEIVE THE AUTHOR OF THE BIBLE (THE Lord Jesus Christ) Why? Because if you have not received Him (John 1:12) you are stone blind and deaf to His Word. Be sure to read 1 Cor. 2:14; John 3:3,5; 2 Cor. 4:3. Give special attention to John 5:39-40.
- You Must RECOGNIZE The Sovereign AUTHORITY of The Bible. No other book in history has this. How do we know? Because 2 Timothy 3:16 states this. “ALL SCRIPTURE – not part but all is GOD-BREATHED. It is the very Breath of God. God breathed out His Word, Moses wrote, etc. “All” means All and we call this VERBAL, (the very words), Plenary inspiration from Latin Plenus – the VERBAL PLENARY VIEW OF THE BIBLE.
Illus: How many of you read the newspaper? Do you read the newspaper more than the Bible? Do you believe all you read in newspapers is true,> No. Yet you keep reading false hoods and neglect the truth of the Bible.
- You Must RESOLVE by The Aid of The Holy Spirit to make a SINCERE ANALYSIS of the Bible. (2 Timothy 2:15 commands: “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman not ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of God.” “Rightly Dividing ” means “cutting straight.” Illus: Goes back to when a lamb was cut in three pieces, one piece for God, one piece for the priest, and one piece for the offerer. Each piece had to be identical. If you would “cut straight,” you must note the:
- Context – you can prove anything from the Bible if you take it out of context. Example- Psalm 14:2; 53:1; Ephesians 5:28.
- Intent – all of the Bible is for us but not all of it is to us. There are three classes of persons in the world – Jew, Gentile, the church. Illus: The Sabbath day for Jews, not Christians – Sunday is the Lord’s Day and for Christians. Exodus 15:26 – to Jesus
- Character of literature – is it history, prophecy, poetry. Trees of the field will clap their hands – this is poetry and must not be taken literally.
- Literal or Metaphorical – John 7:37-38; John 15:1.
- Note the figurative and literal in Rev. 12:3,9.
- You Must Make A STEDFAST APPLICATION of The Word. To do so you must MEMORIZE it, and then MEDITATE ON WHAT YOU’VE MEMORIZED in order to know what it is saying to you. And then OBEY IT and begin sharing it (Pledge to the Bible). If you just read and study the Bible and hear it preached you will know about God or of God, but to know God (note God is the object of the verb know) you must obey God. The Pharisees knew all about God but they did not know God, died quoting the Bible and ended up in hell. Revisit the promise of Jesus to those who OBEY His commandments and internalize, please. – John 14:21, “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” Also note the grave warning of Jesus to the Pharisees in John 5:39-40, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. 40 But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.” Note: I have studied under professors who knew the Bible, some able to quote the New Testament in Greek, but who admitted they did not know God.
- You Must STAY in the Word. Abide (living in it and by it), eat it (Ezek 3:1; Jer. 15:15; Rev. 19:9), make it more your food than hamburgers – “I have food to eat you know not what. My food is to do the will of Him (Obey the Father) who sent me and finish His work.” (Jesus Christ- John 4:32,34)
- You Must SPEAK the Word which God speaks to you. Access my lesson for Forum on Sept 6th 7th, based on Hebrews 4:12 which please internalize.
- You Must STICK WITH IT as your life style forever (Gal 6:9; 1 Cor. 15:58; Luke 9:62).
- You Must UNDERSTAND that you will need the help of others to do so (1 Thess. 2:8; Prov. 27:17). So choose an “Accountability Partner.”