In Philemon 1:6 Paul prays that believers may be “active in sharing their faith” with the lost. This is God’s will, but how do we accomplish it? I have spent more than fifty years seeking a practical answer to this question, and I wish to share with you nine steps which I have found helpful in sharing my faith:
- Ask God to Increase Your Love for Lost People. Lost people cross our path every day, but we will not be motivated to reach out to them until we see them through the eyes of Jesus – as sinners both by birth and choice, yet people who are engraved with the image of God upon them, and destined to heaven or hell. The primary emotion of Jesus toward the lost was loving kindness – Matthew 9:37.
- Pray Consistently, Specifically, and Fervently for the Lost. Secure a “Soul Book” and write down the names of lost people in your sphere of influence and pray for them without ceasing. Illus: The first person I ever trained to share his faith confessed in prayer to me these words, “Lord, one year ago I was not praying for one lost soul, but thank you today I have 25 lost persons on my heart.” Jesus prayed for the lost till His last breath on the cross – Luke 24:34.
- Reach Out to the Lost in a Way that Fits Who You Are. “You must preach as only can preach and never as someone else may preach.” (Dr. James Clelland, Preaching Professor at Duke University). So it is with sharing your faith. Six styles of witnessing have been identified by students of evangelism:
- The Confrontational Style – exemplified by Peter in Acts 2 when he accused the crowd of murdering Jesus.
- The Testimonial Style – shown by the blind man in John 9:25, “One thing I know, I was blind but now I see.”
- The Intellectual Style – illustrated by Paul in Acts 17, where he reasoned with the intellectual community.
- The Interpersonal Style – lived out by Matthew who threw a party where his lost friends could rub shoulders with Jesus and His followers – Luke 5:29.
- The Serving Style – exemplified by Dorcas in Acts 9, who made clothing for widows.
- The Invitational Style – illustrated by the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, who after being converted ran into town to invite people to meet Jesus. [1]
- Make Definite Plans to “Hang Out” with Lost Persons. Jesus was a friend of sinners and He made time to spend time with them.
- Have a “No Strings Attached Attitude.” Be friends with sinners regardless whether they ever surrender their lives to Jesus. Always remember, “Some sow, some water, and God gives the increase” – 1 Cor. 3:5-9.
- Talk to the Lost About Their Interests, not your own – their family, children, job, hobbies, etc.
- Listen Carefully to What the Lost Are Saying. They will often bring up spiritual topics if they know you take your faith seriously. Example: They will share their fears of life which opens the door for you to tell how Jesus calmed your fears.
- Spend Time with The Lost. Invite them to lunch, to go fishing with you. Look for interests you share in common.
- Live What You Profess – don’t just “talk it,” but “walk it.” Lost persons are constantly scanning you with their “hypocrisy radar,” looking for excuses to reject Jesus, the church, even the Bible. Illus: A short time ago I ate a meal in restaurant in Wilmington, and when I paid my bill the cashier gave me several dollars too much in change. I returned and said to the lady, “You gave me too much change, and I am returning it.” I replied, “What do you mean?” She said, “I heard you preach last Sunday and wanted to see if you practice what you preach.”
- Be Prepared to Tell the Lost How You Came to Know Jesus. Question: If someone asked you to recount how you became a Christian, could you clearly and concisely tell them? A good approach would be to use Paul’s three point to King Agrippa (Acts 26).
Point 1: What your life was before you met Christ.
Point 2: How you became a Christian.
Point 3: How your life is different now.
Caution: Do not stress how much you had to give up and make the Christian life appear to be a catastrophe when it is a celebration. Remember: You are not saved nor sanctified by what you gave up but what you received. Hallelujah!
- Equip Yourself Until You Are Prepared to Explain Clearly and Completely the Plan of Salvation Set Forth in The Bible:
(1) The Roman Road is an “easy-to-master” explanation:
- Romans 3:23 – “I’ve certainly sinned. Would you agree that you have, too?”
- Romans 6:23a – “The wages of sin is death” “We both admitted we have sinned and fallen short. This verse shows us we are in real danger, because the wages of sin is death or separation from God.
- Romans 6:23b – “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The good news comes in the second half of the verse because the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.”
- Romans 10:9-13 – “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” This verse shows that if we are willing to turn from our sins, humbly receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and confess Him before men, we will be saved.
- A second simple approach is called the “Do Versus Done.” You pique the interest of the lost person by saying there is a big difference in religion and Christianity. Religion is spelled “DO.” Many people just do good things – like pray, give, attend. The problem is they never know how much good they have to do, and in fact they can never do enough. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” And Titus 3: 5-6 says, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.” But Christianity is spelled, “DONE.” Jesus has done what we could never do for ourselves. He died as our substitute to pay for all our sins and wrong doings. But merely knowing about Him is not enough. You must receive Him by turning from your sins (repentance) and trusting Him and Him alone to save you. Are you ready to take that step?[2]
- Many use the “EE” Model – the most widely used plan in the world today. I highly recommend this plan, fully explained in the book Evangelism Explosion by Dr. James Kennedy. It is the most highly developed and illustrated plan I know. The “Hand Illustration” is an important part of the plan.
- Faith Evangelism – “Forsaking All I Take Heaven.” Modeled after EE but simpler and less academic.
- Remember that When You Witness your humility should dominate your demeanor, for “Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.”
- What Thou Doeth Do Quickly . Salvation is offered to the lost only in the present tense. The Devil says tomorrow but God always says, “Today,” never promising tomorrow (Joshua 24:15; Hebrews 3:7,15, 4:7). So remember when you witness, your present witness may be the last one that person will ever hear or the last time you’ll have to witness to him. : I had a neighbor who lived two blocks from me. I encountered him as I was “power walking” daily in our community. I got his name and began to pray that God would open the door for me to share my faith. I planned to do this in January 2009. But suddenly he moved because of the economic crash. I inquired of his neighbors and all they could tell me was that he had to leave because of his financial problems but they did not know where. I go by his house all the time, have left my calling card but he is not there. Could I have gone sooner? Yes and I have asked the Lord to forgive me and to give me another opportunity to share with him.
Warning: You can move too fast, but as I have observed most people tend to delay asking the lost for a decision and never do.
[1] Zacharias, This We Believe, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 2000, p. 182.
[2] Ibid. pp. 187-188.