Acts 8:4
Our 4th “I” is “INTENTIONAL Involvement” in the world mission of Christ, and none of the “I’s” are more Scriptural and more necessary if we would be a true Christ follower. Why? Because when we are involved in the world mission of Christ, we are sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world.
We call this sharing “EVANGELISM.” The Greek word for Evangelism is EUAGGELION, meaning sharing the good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus that the lost may be gloriously saved.
It is significant that the word “Evangelism,” the noun, does not appear in the Bible. But the word does appear in verb form, which means “to evangelize” or “Announce” which is a command for us to be active in sharing the gospel. The best example of this is stated in Acts 8:4 which states “They (lay persons) went everywhere EVANGELIZING the GOSPEL, which literally means “GOSSIPING THE GOSPEL.” This is what every obedient Christian will do and especially the guys in Mentoring.
Furthermore, the Bible states, “The fruit of the righteous is as tree of life.” (Prov. 11:30a), meaning “the fruit of every Christian should be another Christian.” Then the statement follows, “HE THAT WINNETH SOULS IS WISE.” (Prov. 11:30b).
What is Wisdom: It is to know and do the will of God. The greatest knowledge on earth is to know the will of God, and the GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT IS TO DO THE WILL OF GOD, which is “to gossip” the gospel wherever and whenever we go (Matthew 28:18-20).
Specifically, how does “Gossiping the Gospel,” show that one is WISE, and remember if not wise, you are “Otherwise.”
- Gossiping the Gospel “EXALTS” Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the gospel is exalting His wonderful love and sacrifice to save us from our sins and impart eternal life. Our witness thus must be Jesus and Him alone. No one is more like Jesus than when he is sharing the good news of Him. Jesus began His ministry by commanding that His followers be “fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17), He continued it with His command in Luke 14:33, and closes it with His Great Commission to every born again person (Matthew 28:18-20).
- Gossiping the Gospel “EXHILIRATES” the “Gossiper” Himself. Please COGITATE on Philemon 1:6 in the NIV. “If you fail to share Christ, you lose Him in your own heart” (Noted authority on Evangelism). I have seen hundreds gloriously converted and very happy for a time, but fail to share Christ and lose their joy and even leave the church. Note: If a new convert does not share Christ in two years, 95% never will.
- Gossiping the Gospel “ENLARGES” the Population of Heaven.
- Gossiping the Gospel “EDIFIES” the Body of Christ. Illustration from my own experience. Note: Local churches are withering away, 80% of them, because no new life is coming into the ranks.
- Gossiping the Gospel “EXTRICATES” (to cease to do) the Gossiper from the Grips of two great Enemies of Evangelism:
- Consumerism, and
- Clericalism. Explain
Ex: Jimmy Suggs
- Gossiping the Gospel “ENSURES” an Incredible Joy in This Life. Ex: David, Psalm 51:12-13; Psalm 126:6.
- Gossiping the Gospel ASSURES US” of an Immeasurable Joy in Heaven. “Those who lead many to righteousness (salvation) will shine like the stars forever and forever.” (Daniel 12:4).
Ex: Ann Curtis
Closing Story: Edward Kimball, 170 years ago, touched the world by winning D. L. Moody. Explain.
Can something like this happen today? Of course. God wants to use you to change the world. Make an eternal difference by “Gossiping the Gospel” with those around you and wherever the Spirit may lead you across the world.
CLASSIFY Yourself: ARE YOU WISE? A growing number of mentorees are. If not, you can be by His Grace. Remember: If not “Wise,” you are “OTHERWISE.” What a shame! I beseech you my dear brothers, because of the love of Christ, to make “Gossiping the Gospel” your lifestyle now and forever.
Humbly and Gratefully,
Bill Bennett, your Servant Leader.