MARRY WISELY – Don’t Mess It UP, please!
- Take if Slow. The first error young couples often make is to marry too quickly. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose by developing their relationship slowly over a long period of time.
- Take Time to Grow Up. Most persons under 25 are still trying to determine their core values, and most of them are engaged in the task of spiritual formation. That takes time.
- Be Sure You Are Spiritually and Emotionally Mature Before You Join Your Life with Someone Else. Marriage is not a cure for immaturity.
- Don’t Fall in Love with Being in Love. Many have fallen in love with the notion, seeing it as the answer to all of life’s problems, and it is not.
- Don’t Marry to Please Someone or to keep up with your peers.
- Be Sure You Really Know Each Other. Many couples make the mistake of deciding to marry without addressing personality or behavioral problems to hidden pockets of individual dysfunction.
- Be Sure You Can “Yoked for Life” with The One Person You Marry. I read of a young woman who married a guy for his money. Soon she wrote her mother a letter in which she said she was living in absolute possession of every material blessing money could buy: A mansion, maid, Nieman Marcus wardrobe, world-wide vacations, five cars and two chauffeurs, etc. Finally, she closed saying: “I don’t have but one problem: I hate my husband.” Need I say more?
- Be Sure You Are compatible in Your Relationship with God.” “The fear of the Lord leads to life, and he who has it rests satisfied.” (Prov. 19:23).
- Be Sure You Have The Same Core Values of The Person You Marry and can also handle the inevitable incompatibilities. When Billy Graham was asked to explain the secret of his happy marriage, he replied, “Ruth and I have been incompatibly happily married for 43 years.”
- Don’t Date Anyone Who Is Not A Christian And A Virgin.
- Don’t Marry if You Are Addicted to Pornography.
- When Marriage Begins, pray with your spouse every day and attend the same church faithfully.
- Learn to Internalize The Word Together.
- Make Friends With A Couple Happily Married and in love with Jesus.
- Never Consider Divorce an Option. Never think of divorce, never talk of divorce, never threaten divorce, for divorce is death without a funeral.