12/06/14 Dr. Bennett’s Message on Everyday Evangelism, Everyday from Thad Faulk on Vimeo.
Disturbing Statistics: In 1950 Southern Baptist Convention comprised of 7 million members and about 28,000 churches reported 376,000 baptisms, meaning that one person was baptized for every 19 members. In 2011 the convention 46,000 churches reported 16,000,000 members and 333,000 baptisms. This meant that the baptism-to-member ratio was one baptism for every 48 members. In 2014 the record shows that less than 5% of professing believers every seek to win anyone to Christ. I would hope that the serious witnessing in our Mentoring Schools would be much higher than among evangelicals at large, but I know that the largest room in most of our students is the room for much improvement.
This improvement will occur when we simply obey the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior when He commands us, “While you are going and wherever you are, make disciples.” Jesus, therefore, calls every born again person to “EVERYDAY EVANGELISM.” And what is “EVERDAY EVANGELISM”? It is when believers regularly share their faith as a natural part of their daily lives. To do this we must understand some very important facts about Evangelism.
I. We Must Understand What Evangelism Is Not:
- Evangelism is not living an upright lifestyle, but not verbalizing the gospel.
- Evangelism is for professionals only.
- Evangelism is Anything and Everything. Every church has many programs but most of them are not evangelism. Ex: Pot Luck Supper, Fish Fry, Marriage Enrichment Festival, Financial Workshop, etc. Illus: Baptist Convention of North Carolina hid Evangelism under “Church Programs.”
- Evangelism is not when I have time and feel like it. Evangelism must be intentional and planned.
- Evangelism is not shaming others.
- Evangelism is not trying to win an argument.
- “Sheep stealing” is not Evangelism. True Evangelism is not evangelizing believers but unbelievers.
- Evangelism is not another “NOTCH” in my belt. Those who evangelize for recognition are not evangelists but egotists.
- Evangelism is not emailing or telephoning to the lost.
- For the most part, Evangelism is not teaching and often not preaching.
- Evangelism is not, “visit my church.”
- Evangelism is not, “join my church.”
- Evangelism is not being baptized.
Note: The above could be pre-evangelism, but beware, less the devil deceive you in substituting them for true evangelism, and thus failing to lead the lost to Christ.
II. We Must Understand What Evangelism Is:
- Evangelism is prayer for lost souls. Pray for the Holy Spirit to precede our visits. The record shows that most persons being saved were prayed for beforehand.
- Evangelism is to identify and utilize points of contact. Few will come to you asking to be saved, so the evangelists tries to establish contact with the prospects.
- Present the gospel that’s easy to remember, and if at all possible articulate three biblical truths:
a. The reality and consequences of sin – Romans 6:23
b. Jesus’ great love shown by His death, burial and resurrection in order to save us from sin – John 3:16.
c. Jesus’ invitation to receive Him – Matthew 11:28. - Visualize the three truths by the “Hand Illustration.”
- Encourage questions for clarification.
- Invite hearers to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Illus: Pastor who visited but never won anyone because he never asked anyone to receive Jesus.
- Keep the door open for a return visit.
- Leave a tract on how to be saved.
III. We Must Conquer Fear:
- Fear of Unknown – “Regarding the fear of the unknown, every believer has a choice- either allow the unknown to remain mysterious by not evangelizing, or make known the unknown by evangelizing.”[1]
- Fear of Safety- “Although danger is not out of the realm of possibility, most believers in America need not fear for their safety while sharing the gospel in their own communities.”[2] My lie threatened only once in 64 years.
- Fear of Rejection – “Not every time a believer evangelizes can she/he be guaranteed that someone will accept Christ and His free gift of forgiveness, but a believer can be guaranteed that no one will ever accept Christ and His free gift of forgiveness if she/he never evangelizes.”[3]
- Fear of Failure- “If the decisions of those who are evangelized rested solely on the abilities of believers, then perhaps professions of faith, or the lack thereof, could be categorized in terms of success or failure. However, the decisions of those who are evangelized rest with them and the work of the Holy Spirit. Believers’ success and failure in terms of evangelism is measured in their obedience or disobedience to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.”[4]
- Negative Reception in the past – “Although many believers tend to let these negative experiences push them into evangelistic paralysis, they should instead evaluate and learn from the experiences in order to emerge stronger and ready for the next encounter.”[5]
- Fear of being Called a Fanatic- “Concern about the opinions of others will fade in light of Christ’s approval.”[6]
- Absence of the Fear of God. Words on John Knox’s grave marker.
Let The Bible Speak LOUDLY on Soul Winning!
- Soul Winning is Wise – Proverbs 11:30b, “He who wins souls is wise.” The wisest single thing one can ever do is to get saved himself and then win another soul.
- Soul Winning Delivers your Soul. 33:8-9, “When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, you shall surely die; if you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand. 9Nevertheless, if you warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.”
- Prospect of Hell Moves Us to Persuade the Lost – 2 Cor. 5:11, “Knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men.” My cousin
- Incredible Compassion for Lost Friends – Romans 9:1-3.
- Supreme Motivation for Soul Winning – Philemon 1:6, “I pray you will be active in sharing your faith so you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.”
- Prayer for Boldness – Acts 4:31, “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.”
- Be Sure You Are Born Again – Luke 6:39, “ Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch.”
- Also Be Sure You Are Filled with the Indwelling Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:19, “Be you being filled with the Holy Spirit.” Yield yourself to His control. (Romans 12:1-2). This involves the surrender of our will, our intellect, our body, our time, our gifts and talents and our treasure. Every area of your life must be continually thrown open to His domination.
- Victory Eventually Comes to Those Who Continually Sow – Psalm 126:6, “He who continually goes forth bearing precious seed (the Word of God) shall doubtless come again in rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Ex: My first cousin.
[1] Matt Queen, Everyday Evangelism, p. 34.
[2] Ibid. p. 34.
[3] Ibid. p. 35.
[4] Ibid. p. 35.
[5] Ibid. p. 36.
[6] Ibid. p. 36.