Illus.: I read that Napoleon looking at a map of China said, “There lies a sleeping giant. If China ever wakes up, it will be unstoppable.”
I submit to you that the Church today is a sleeping giant, for the pews of the average church are filled with people who are doing nothing with their faith except “keeping it.” Do you know what we consider an active church member to be?
- One who attends some.
- One who gives some money.
But the Bible says a member is active when he is performing a place of service in the church. Illus.: Mr. Gallup took a recent poll which revealed only 10% of church members serve in their church, and 50% said they don’t want to serve. “I don’t feel led. They have another kind of led – LEAD. They have LEAD in their pants, says Rick Warren.
On the other hand Mr. Gallup took a poll which revealed that 40% of church members say they want to serve if they knew where and how.
I say to you: The church will never be stronger than the core of its lay members and the church is built on THE NINE PILLARS OF LAY MINISTRY:
PILLAR #1 – Every Believer is a Minister.
- Ephesians 2:10 says we were CREATED to serve.
- 2 Timothy 1:9 says we are saved to serve
- Matthew 28:18 says we are empowered to serve.
- Acts 1:8 says we are empowered to serve
- PILLAR #2 – Every Member is Indispensable to the Body. No “little people” or insignificant ministry. Some ministries are more visible and some are behind the scenes, but all are indispensable to the body. Example: A 79 year old member climbed up many stairs to visit with me in my study. I was thrilled to see this wonderful man. I said, “I’ve been missing you.” He replied, “Pastor, I haven’t missed. I have been serving in the nursery.” I thanked him most sincerely and profusely. Example: A member with bad health said to me, “Pastor, I’m not able to attend church and help you. All I can do is pray.” I replied, “That’s the greatest service anyone can render.”
Illus.: The most important light in the house is not the chandelier in the dining room, but the little night light in my bedroom which keeps me from stubbing my toe when I get up at night. IT’S MORE VALUABLE THAN THE “SHOW OFF” LIGHTS. (Rick Warren)
- PILLAR # 3 – Every Believer is Gifted for Some Place of Service. 1 Peter 4:10;1 Cor.12:7 – Everyone is given a gift for the common good. Illus.: “I don’t have a gift, I was behind the door when the gifts were passed out.” No, to be a child of God is to be a gifted child of God. The absence of natural abilities does not disqualify you from serving God acceptably and the abundance of ability does not qualify you to serve.
- PILLAR # 4 – No One on This Earth Can Take Your Place. You have a place in your church and no one else can do it for you. Illus.: I cannot be a WA Criswell or Billy Graham but I am the best and only specimen of Bill Bennett this world has ever made. God made me to serve in my place. He made me and redeemed me to make a difference, and I intend to this until God retires me which will be when I expire. Illus.: In 1 Cor 12, Paul say just as every part of your physical body is required to make your body function, it takes every member of the church body to make it function. Humor: R. G. Lee said if the average car had as many missing parts as the average church, it wouldn’t go down hill.
- PILLAR # 5 – The Way to Find Your Place Is Not Primarily to Know Your Gift, but to Start Serving Somewhere. Experiment with the different ministries, and God will soon show you where you should be permanently. : Make yourself useable and the Lord will wear you out.
- PILLAR # 6 – You Are Never More Like Jesus Than When You Serve – Matthew 20:28; Phil. 2:5-9.
- PILLAR # 7 – Every Believer Will Give an Account of His Service at The Judgment Seat of Christ – 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; Rev. 22:12.
- PILLAR # 8 – Each Believe Will Be Held Accountable Not Only What He Did But Could Have Done – Luke 12:48.
- PILLAR # 9 – The Reward for the Faithful Will Be Absolutely Glorious because Jesus will say to them, “Well done thy good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord” (Matthew 25:23).