One can judge a civilization by the way it treats its women. In the light of this truth, how would you rate our current American civilization? The Islamic nations? How should one treat women? The way that Jesus treated them, and He treated them at all times with the utmost dignity and respect they deserved. In fact, Jesus elevated womanhood to its highest level. To know how to treat women, look to Jesus, the consummate example – See John 8:7-11; John 2:3-7; 11:5; John 19:26-27; Mark 16:1-3; John 11:25-26; also see Gal. 3:28 and 1 Peter 3:7.
- Seeing them as sex objects.
- Modern Feminist Movement – Women don’t need men.
- Machismo – A woman’s job is to serve men.
- Using the Bible to subjugate women – Ephes. 5:22.
- Imposing upon their physical weaknesses
- Treat women as Jesus treated them – see references above.
- Treat every woman as an intellectual and spiritual equal – Gal. 3:28; 1 Peter 3:7; Ephes. 5:22.
- Do not understand the principle of “Wives submit yourself to your own husbands” to mean that “wives are slaves,” bear the heavy burdens in the home: domestically, emotionally and financially.
- Look upon every woman, except your wife, as a sister or mother. Women are not sex objects, although our society has made them such. Men must daily make a covenant with their eyes (Job 31:1) so that lust never has an opportunity to gain a stronghold. Internalize Gal. 5:16, “Walk in the Holy Spirit, and you will never under any circumstances obey the lusts of the flesh.”
- Affirm and commend women for their superiority over men in many ways. . I always said that Doris was not just equal but superior to me:
- In child-bearing
- Changing diapers
- Housekeeping
- Cooking
- Singing
- Smiling
- Thinking things through
- Patience
- Write your wife love letters and notes expressing your appreciation of her. Say it with flowers and frequent phone calls.
- Make your wedding anniversaries your greatest celebration. Tommy Todd wrote his wife Elaine a love letter for every year they had been married. Doris and I celebrated our 58th and last wedding anniversary from July 19th – August 19, 2010.
- Don’t ever criticize your wife in public, but honor your wife in public both by your TLC and the spoken word (1 Peter 3:7). Doris attended many meetings across the world as I preached. The first thing I did when I arose to speak was to recognize her as my wife and God’s my greatest gift and greatest friend. Your greatest witness is the way you treat your wife.
- Do not make women the “butt” of jokes. Example #2: Saying that women are like angels in three ways:
- Always harping on something
- Always up in the air
- Never having an earthly thing to wear.
Example #2: The preacher who preached 3 hours because he wore his wife’s false teeth by mistake.
- AVOID INFIDELITY at all costs. Never be found alone with any woman who is not your wife. Flee from any person and situation which would tempt you to commit adultery.
- Love your wife above any person on earth, including your children, and tell you children you do. Internalize 1 Cor. 13:4-7.
- Be the spiritual leader of your home, and the spiritual developer of your wife.
- Be a life long student of your wife to understand her needs and seek to meet them (1 Peter 3:7a)
- Encourage and commend your wife to use her spiritual gifts so she will feel significant in God’s Kingdom (1 Peter. 4:10).
In a Nut Shell:
“Love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. (Ephes. 5:25).
- In Jesus’ day Jewish men prayed this prayer, “God, thank you for not making me an unbeliever or barbarian, a slave or a woman.”
- Athenian Woman were treated as uncivilized, as dogs were guarded by dogs.
- A survey of 1000 college women concerning their courtship, and they replied that courtship is “Hanging out and hooking up, fueled by alcohol and engaging in sexual activity.”[1]
[1] Jay Dennis, The Jesus Habits, p. 161.