Perhaps my finest contribution to you, my mentorees, is to share with you a major mistake I made in the earlier years of my journey with God, namely, I was too busy to have effective meditation with God. I prayed much, internalized the Word constantly, read extensively, thought deeply and often, but I neglected meditation and cheated both myself and those I was endeavoring to minister effectively. Now I can confidently say to you that effective meditation is the key to intimacy with God, to my personal fulfillment, but it is also the key to my ministry to you.
What is effective meditation? Based upon the experience of the Psalmist, all the great and powerful Christian leaders of history, including that of Charles Stanley, my own experience, meditation must include the following components:
- A Scope of Time – you should take your calendar and mark a daily time. Do it at a time you can handle with your personality and background. Some persons simply cannot operate at 3, 4, 5, or 6 in the morning. One staff member said to me, “The Holy Spirit is not awake at 6 in the morning,” and neither was this guy. But for me, He is more alive at 3 AM than any other time.
- Stillness – Psalm 46:10. Don’t move, stay put for a time. I find this hard, for I have always moved like lightning. Stillness should be easier for the lazy who are legion.
- Silence – Don’t talk – listen to God. Give Him time. He is never late but never in a hurry.
- Seclusion – Jesus found this very difficult, as I do, so He arose before day and chose secret or solitary places (Mark 1:35). I find seclusion in my bed because Doris is solidly in the land of nod at 3 AM. I used to climb a high tree and meditate on a limb far above the view of anyone.
- Submission – No need to take time, be still, silent, secluded, unless you have a submissive spirit. A rebellious soul will find effective meditation impossible, for its purpose is to hear God in order to obey Him and minister truths to others. This does not mean you may not “wrestle” with God at times, but like Jacob, you must let Him win the fight.
- Self-Discipline – Your flesh does not want you to hear God, neither does the world around you, nor Satan, but this evil trio wants to keep you so busy that your ministry will have no power. However, a far greater power than the evil trio is the indwelling Holy Spirit (1 John 4:4b) and if you will willingly make an advance decision to meet God at a definite time for “effective meditation,” the Holy Spirit will enable you to do so, for the fruit of the Holy Spirit is “self-control” (Gal. 5:22-23). Remember the words of Jesus to His disciples when they had listened to their flesh, “The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41).
- Sacrifice – of creature comforts, TV, answering the phone, the internet, our pride, and yet no sacrifice at all compared to His Supreme Sacrifice for us and the enormous benefits of intimacy with Him and a powerful impact around us.
Conclusion: Nothing will prepare your head and heart to “internalize the Word” like effective meditation, for intimacy with God will motivate you:
- to know the Word in your head by diligent study,
- to stow it in our heart by memorization and meditation,
- to show it in you life by obeying its teachings, and
- to sow it in your world by your witness.