An all-out effort to destroy the institution of marriage has been going on now for a generation. Those behind this concerted effort are finally within reach of their goal as they focus on the issue of same-sex marriage.
No event in our time is as far-reaching in its potentially disastrous consequences as this movement to legitimize same-sex marriages. Why is this? Because the destruction of marriage will mean the destruction of everything we hold dear ¾ the family, children, common decency, religious liberty, even civilization itself.
There have been at least five major steps in the campaign to destroy the institution of marriage:
- The Sexual Revolution:
- No-Fault Divorce:
- The Normalization of Cohabitation
- The Killing of Babies in Mothers’ Wombs:
- The Legalization of Sodomy:
There are 5 Myths About Homosexuality:
- The Bible Does Not Condemn Homosexuality.
- 10% of the American population is gay.
- Homosexuals are born that way.
- Homosexuality is a normal, healthy lifestyle.
- A Homosexual cannot be changed.
Legalization of same sex marriage.
“The Legal, social, moral, and political maps of America were redefined last Friday night as the New York State Senate voted 33-29 to legalize same-sex marriage in the state…It will take effect in July, thirty days after the Governor’s signature was affixed.”[1]
- Horrible Consequences of Same Sex Marriage.
- Same-sex marriage defies the definition of marriage given by God the Father in the Garden of Eden.
- Same-sex marriage disregards the teaching of Jesus on marriage. When asked about divorce, Jesus reiterated the very words of God the Father in Matthew 19:3- 6.
- Same-sex marriage discounts the teaching of the Apostle Paul. Paul held the same view of marriage as did God the Father and Jesus the Son in Ephesians 5:31.
- Same-sex marriage denies the teaching of the historic church Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholic for 2,000 years. No legitimate Christian body, except the Episcopal Church, has ever endorsed same-sex marriage.
- Same-sex marriage disregards the fact that no civilization, no matter how corrupt, has practiced same-sex marriage. Only two countries, the Netherlands and Belgium, have actually legalized “gay marriage,” and only in recent years.
- Same-sex marriage deprives males and females of that intimate relationship ordained by a loving God, which is essential to their well being physical, emotional and spiritual.
- Same-sex marriage develops an environment in which every form of sexual behavior will flourish. “The introduction of legalized gay marriages will lead inexorably to polygamy and other alternatives to one-man/one-woman unions. In Utah, polygamist Tom Green, who claims five wives, is citing Lawrence vs. Texas as the legal authority for his appeal.
- Same -sex marriage will devastate children.
- Same-sex marriage will deprive us of our religious liberty.
- Same-sex marriage demands the judgment of God upon our nation.
- President Obama:
“Given the central importance of marriage to our civilization and culture, it is hard to imagine how such a mixed moral landscape can last. Add to this fact that President Obama has instructed his own Attorney General not to defend the Defense of Marriage Acts in courts.”[2]
[1] Albert, June 27th, 2011
[2] Ibid. pp. 2 and 3.