- Word of Wisdom – the God-given ability to apply the eternal principles of God’s word to life’s situations.
- Word of Knowledge – the God-given ability to assimilate and know the vast teachings of God’s Word on many subjects.
- Hospitality – the God given ability to minister to people in your home. Hospitality puts people before things. It doesn’t try to impress but to serve.
- Faith – the God-given ability to see God (not circumstances) as all-powerful and able to accomplish anything within His will for His people and His church.
- Prophecy – the God-given ability to comprehend and proclaim the redeeming and radical truths of God as found in the Bible. “Forth telling” more than foretelling,
- Serving – the God-given ability to serve in any place needed, with great joy and gratitude.
- Helps – the God-given ability to assist others that they might accomplish their ministries,
Examples: Nursery, bus ministry, tape, youth and music ministries, and maintenance of building. - Mercy – God given compassion to empathize with those in great need and to meet those needs as much as possible, the poor, ignorant, displaced, broken hearted, displaced, bereaved, ill, unloved.
- Exhortation – God-given ability to discern needs of people in light of the scriptures and help those who are hurting. Exhortation may mean: Encouragement, comfort or spiritual counseling.
- Teaching – God-given ability to explain in detail and-apply the truths and principles God’s Word to life’s issues
- Leading – God-given ability to stand at the front and inspire and motivate others to do a needed task in the Kingdom of God.
- Administration – God-given ability to organize people so they can accomplish the goals of the Kingdom effectively in relationships one to another
- Speaking – God-given ability to use one’s voice and persuasive powers to move persons to obedience to the will of God.
- Discernment – God-given ability to discern error and deception and warn the church against such a path.
- Pastor – God-given ability to give one’s life in feeding, shepherding, and protecting the flock of God. Ephesians 4:ll combines the office of Teacher with that of Pastor, because the true Pastor must be able to teach in order to be a true Shepherd, However, many have the Gift of Teaching without having the Gift of Pastor, as we know it. But the true Teacher in the Church needs a pastoral heart to minister to his or her pupils
- Evangelism – God-given ability to share the good news of the gospel, one on one, that lost persons may repent, confess Christ publicly, be baptized, join the local church, and become an evangelist himself. The task of evangelism is not finished until the evangelized becomes an evangelist.
- Giving – God-given ability to give over and beyond the tithe, both cheerfully and gladly, that the extraordinary objects of the Kingdom may become a reality.
- Apostles – the unique gift bestowed upon 12 men by Jesus (called the “Apostles,” or “Sent Ones”), whereby they were empowered to establish the church and write down the revelation of God’s truth in the Bible.
The Sign Gifts – Particularly evident in Apostolic times to validate the gospel. - Miracles – the miraculous gift of being an instrument through whom God performs.
miracles, suspending natural law and normal operation of things. Exorcism (casting out demons) was one of these miracles. - Gifts of Healings – the miraculous gift of being able to bestow physical, emotional, and spiritual healings upon individuals through the power of Christ.
- Speaking in Tongues – the ability to speak in a language one has not known in order to make known the gospel. Even in Apostolic times, this gift was exercised under very restricted conditions! No woman could speak, no more than 3 in a service, and there had to be an interpreter (l Cor. l4).
- Interpretation of Tongues – the ability to translate tongues into understandable language.
Note: Paul says the primary purpose of the gifts is to build up the church (l Cor. L4: 12) and to unify it so it will be the true body of Christ in the world (Romans 12 and 1 Cor. 12).
*** Dr. Jerry Rankin, President of the International Mission Board, Spoke In a Language He Had Never Studied.