Most people think they have a bad memory, but it is not true. Memorization depends upon one’s motivation or will rather than his mental acumen. If you know your middle name, birthday, street address, social security number, date of marriage, ball scores, name of friend or high school class mate, you can memorize Scripture. The question is how important is God’s Word to you and are you willing to discipline yourself weekly in memorizing it. “When Dawson Trotman, founder of the Christian organization called The Navigators, was converted to faith in Christ in 1926, he began memorizing one Bible verse every day. He was driving a truck for a lumber yard in Los Angeles at the time. While driving around town he would work on his verse for that day. During the first three years of his Christian life he memorized his first thousand verses. If he could memorize over three hundred verses a year while driving, surely we can find ways to memorize a few.”[1]
Where Do You Begin Memorizing?
Memorize and understand the Pledge to the Bible, and the Victory Pledge.
- Memorize and understand the 10 Commandments and Beatitudes.
- Memorize the verse or verses assigned in class each week and associated with the 10 “I’s”. You have seven days to accomplish this. Begin to look at the assigned verse(s) on Monday, keep reviewing and repeating 15 minutes per day and be ready to share in class with your small group only on Friday or Saturday.
- You might prefer to memorize verses which shed light in areas where the Lord is working in your life right now. Example: If weak in disciplines, memorize verses on discipline. If struggling with a bad habit, you might want to memorize verses on promises which assure victory over them. Someone said to Dawson Trotman, “If I memorize Scripture like you, I am afraid it would make me prideful.” To which Dawson replied, “Then memorize your first 10 verses on humility.”
- Later on memorize whole chapters to coincide with the seasons of the year.
Christmas – John 1:1-18.
The Crucifixion and Easter – Isaiah 53.
Repentance – Isaiah 53 (10 I’s)
Love – 1 Cor. 13
New Birth – John 3:1-14
Sanctification – Romans 6:1-14.
Spirit Filled Life – Romans 8
Christian Life Style – Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5-7
Personal Testimony
Make it your ultimate goal to know a verse from 76 areas of teaching. This may take you several years. See pp.125-131 for the list in Handbook for Mentoring Men for the Master.
Remember that Memorization, Meditation and Application of the Word last a life time. (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2 and James 1:25.
Nine Simple Steps in Memorizing Scripture:
Disabuse yourself of the myth that you can’t memorize.
- Memorize one verse at a time.
- Remind yourself constantly, “It’s hard by the yard, but a cinch by the inch.”
- Continue to review the verses that you have memorized until they are etched in your psyche.
- Use the Scripture you’ve memorized in prayer, conversation, witnessing, writing, teaching, counseling, preaching telephoning, etc.
- Be selective by memorizing verses on important teachings of the Bible.
- Depend upon the Holy Spirit, to bring the reference to the believer’s remembrance. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” (John 14:26)
- Make yourself accountable to a faithful accountability partner.
- Don’t procrastinate – procrastination is a subtle way of disobeying God.
What Hinders People from Internalizing the Word?
- Lostness
- Laziness
- Busyness
- Fleshly comforts
- No hunger for God
- Bad or poor memory
- Never challenged
- Lukewarm pastors and churches
- A good thing but purely optional
- Living in sin – James 1:21 – “This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book.” (Spurgeon)
- Loving money rather than God – Matthew 13:22
- Procrastination
- Uncooperative mate
- Peer pressure
- Dependence on flesh, not the Holy Spirit
- Substituting the good for the best
What Would Hinder you from Internalizing the Word? Examine yourself and honestly ask this question, “What would hinder me from internalizing the Word this semester?” Then be honest and ask yourself this question, “Do I really think God would accept my excuse?” If so, read James 4:17; Luke 12:47.
What Should Encourage You to Internalize the Word?
- Believe it is God’s will for you.
- Desiring to do His will and not our own.
- Deep hunger for God
- Desire to live an abundant and meaningful life.
- Desiring more faith
- Desiring to overcome the Devil.
- Desiring to overcome our flesh.
- Desiring to glorify Jesus and not self in life.
- Frustration and emptiness that are killing you.
- Sick of just playing church.
- Testimony of those who have internalized the Word especially your teacher, mentor or spouse.
- The incredible love of Thad and Dr. “B”
- Deep desire to be “conformed to the image of Christ” (Romans 8:29)
- Desire to mentor my family.
- MMM – Proverbs 27:17
A CHALLENGE: When you teach, or preach the Word, give a devotion, witness, sing, you will want to share the Word but how? Most persons just assume that they must read the Word. But not true. You can teach yourself to share from your memory. In fact, you can learn to write on your mind as well as on paper. If you faithfully attend and do the assignments in Mentoring Classes, you will be able to quote God’s Word whenever you speak, etc. No greater joy will you ever experience this side of heaven.. Personal Testimony, From One Verse to 76 plus.
[1] Donald Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for The Christian Life, Colorado Springs, Colorado: Navpress, 1991, pp. 40-41.